well yes, if not, you most likely would not have read about it and came here to ask?? it is documented pretty well, as al/hg was all they did in the 90s and some still do now, so what are you asking about specifically? and if you have mdp2p, why not reduce it with boro, but continue the dumb tradition of playing with toxic metals?? you are obviously not skilled enough to safely handle al/hg if you are here asking for someone to hold your hand AND you are talking about yields, like w00t???????
i am not trying to be an ass, but stop playing with ur life and then the people's who u are selling this shit to, you wanna cook in your living room, at least don't spread mercury everywhere??? boro is pretty much idiot-proof if you are going to continue to do it anyway, but i suggest you do some of your own research into the processes involved, because at the very least you are risking just a failed synthesis, you can really get hurt and hurt other people performing synthesis wit no experience, anything from corrosive chemical spills to hot, corrosive vapors occurs, with no plan to deal with either of them, do not follow anyone's advice on here blindly, yes it might be the truth you might get someone who helps, but what if you mess up one of the steps and it results in injury because you did not know simple things - this happened a lot with pmk glycidate, people refluxed it with naoh then proceeded to add hcl immediately to the hot solution, whoops, right? would not have happened if they understood the processes happening.