Amphetamine Psychosis Analyse


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Jan 17, 2022
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I have to share with you my knowledge about amphetamine psychosis. I can read here that it is l-amph fault but it isn't really. The reason why these things are happening are maybe over my think-tank but I can only basically explain this problem.

So the reasons why psychosis are happening are two. The first one is that you are snorting the substance and the second one is the fatal delay effect. The psychosis are showing up usually not before 3-4 days of taking the drug without sleep. Your brain is getting weaker and it is happening sooner if you are not eating or eating too little (carbo especially). So when your brain is weaker - your protection processes are being shut to optimize the energy level. Your body is not counting properly the doses that are being take so it would not tell you 'take more' etc. If you let yourself (after constantly taking) not to take the sunstance for longer time (the amount in the brain is low) and suddenly you will take a lot (even a normal re-dose) especially snorting (and by this a big part of dose is going straight to the brain without going through normal digestive path) - your brain will get shocked and will turn against you - because it is a very dangerous situation and this way there is a big probability you will stop taking the drug.

I hope I've explained it to you, if not please ask :)