Getting drugs to your buddies in prison!


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Sep 20, 2022
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I was going to include pictures but having technical difficulties.

I'll use meth as an example.

Get a pack of cigarettes, dump about half of the tobacco out and add some crystals in there (they'd be small and broken up of course)

Add the tobacco back in, and you now have loaded a cigarette with some crystal place back in the pack.

During visitation simply hand the cigarettes as a gift.

How they will smoke the crystal is using the cigarettes, so they would put there dose about a third of the way down and add tobacco back in. When they smoke it (slowly) the heat is enough as it's approaching to vapourise the meth.

It's not ideal, but it works.

- Power


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Apr 18, 2024
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Maybe it depends on the country itself, if thats possible or not but the rules i know about are:

Visitors cant just bring in Tobacco or other stuff than underwear or even hand it over to a prisoner before it gets searched. Sometimes even touching or holding hands with your wife is not allowed.
Prisoners are allowed to receive parcels but everything will be xrayed for 100%, and the Tobaccobox has to be offically sealed, otherwise its not allowed to bring in.
So this old trick would be detected emeadietly.

How stuff gets inside facilitys often depends on how the prison is build and where its situated.
People threw goods over the fence, i even read about drones.
Then there are often corrupt guards involved.
Different drugs like rc chemicals or Crystal are sprayed on letters but most stuff comes inside the prison pocket by prisoners who are allowed to leave the prison during the daytime.


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Sep 15, 2023
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Is tobacco allowed in prisons anymore?


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Apr 14, 2024
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When I was in the can, they use to mix H or synthetic C into an clay, and hide it between finger gaps. At least back in the day they didnt check there in my country prison system.
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Nov 16, 2023
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In USA, I believe tobacco is prohibited on institutional ground on a state to state basis. My state doesn't allow tobacco since the 90s. Some states sell tobacco on the comissary.
So in my experience, depending on the facility, most likely if you're in county jail you have to use the mail as there is no leaving the grounds or contact visits - you must soak paper with your desired solution and write a little note on it. This worked very well for synthetic noids. I hear it worked for crystal also, I've heard mixed results about suboxone. Not positive about anything else as everything that comes in is scrutinized heavily, they get x-rayed, dogs etc.
Another option is contact visits - this is mostly for state prison rather than county jail. Suboxone strips are the main commodity - people make more money coming out of prison than they were making hustling on the streets. People would roll the strips up in plastic wrap and make a little bundle, usually a woman would sneak it in and find a way to get it to you without anyone noticing. Visitors got searched lightly on the way in. You gotta either swallow it, if it will pass without being destroyed, or hide it very well because you will be strip searched after the visit. At $100-200 for a 8mg strip... you could make a small fortune in a short time. Usually you would have someone send a money order to their people and if it worked out you would get your strip. You could break the strip into 16 or 32 pieces and put it in a few drops of water on a spoon and sniff each piece and you'd be up all night cleaning your cell with a toothbrush. Contact visits you could get anything in, but it was usually weed or synthetic noids as incense and suboxone strips.

If you manage to make it to lower security, you might be able to get work on a outside crew picking trash on the highway, or the grounds - people mostly do this just to rummage cigarette butts for tobacco, once in a while something would come through. People might be able to throw something over the fence but that is rather risky and difficult. There are other privileges like work release where you get dropped off and picked up at a local business the facility has contracts with, this is your best bet but takes time to get that position, usually after your first year locked up. I've worked at the state police horse barn shoveling shit, basically everyone had something going on there, there wasn't a bathroom so everyone had to shit in the woods - it wasn't a problem. You could easily arrange a dead drop and most people did. If you can get off the instutution grounds and find a minute or two to yourself and you could get someone to bring you whatever you wanted, if you had that connection, you could sneak a howitzer back inside piece by piece if you wanted - every situation is different so you have to work out the nuances. As long as you boofed it and kept quiet and noone snitched you could do anything. Just make sure to pass your urine screens - most guards didn't even watch you so it's not too difficult.

The last option is if you have a connection on the inside - if a guard is a friend of the family, maybe one of the nurses. Or if you have a really cool attorney. This is rare and difficult and usually didn't last too long for one reason or another, not sure why.


Don't buy from me
Sep 15, 2023
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In USA, I believe tobacco is prohibited on institutional ground on a state to state basis. My state doesn't allow tobacco since the 90s. Some states sell tobacco on the comissary.
So in my experience, depending on the facility, most likely if you're in county jail you have to use the mail as there is no leaving the grounds or contact visits - you must soak paper with your desired solution and write a little note on it. This worked very well for synthetic noids. I hear it worked for crystal also, I've heard mixed results about suboxone. Not positive about anything else as everything that comes in is scrutinized heavily, they get x-rayed, dogs etc.
Another option is contact visits - this is mostly for state prison rather than county jail. Suboxone strips are the main commodity - people make more money coming out of prison than they were making hustling on the streets. People would roll the strips up in plastic wrap and make a little bundle, usually a woman would sneak it in and find a way to get it to you without anyone noticing. Visitors got searched lightly on the way in. You gotta either swallow it, if it will pass without being destroyed, or hide it very well because you will be strip searched after the visit. At $100-200 for a 8mg strip... you could make a small fortune in a short time. Usually you would have someone send a money order to their people and if it worked out you would get your strip. You could break the strip into 16 or 32 pieces and put it in a few drops of water on a spoon and sniff each piece and you'd be up all night cleaning your cell with a toothbrush. Contact visits you could get anything in, but it was usually weed or synthetic noids as incense and suboxone strips.

If you manage to make it to lower security, you might be able to get work on a outside crew picking trash on the highway, or the grounds - people mostly do this just to rummage cigarette butts for tobacco, once in a while something would come through. People might be able to throw something over the fence but that is rather risky and difficult. There are other privileges like work release where you get dropped off and picked up at a local business the facility has contracts with, this is your best bet but takes time to get that position, usually after your first year locked up. I've worked at the state police horse barn shoveling shit, basically everyone had something going on there, there wasn't a bathroom so everyone had to shit in the woods - it wasn't a problem. You could easily arrange a dead drop and most people did. If you can get off the instutution grounds and find a minute or two to yourself and you could get someone to bring you whatever you wanted, if you had that connection, you could sneak a howitzer back inside piece by piece if you wanted - every situation is different so you have to work out the nuances. As long as you boofed it and kept quiet and noone snitched you could do anything. Just make sure to pass your urine screens - most guards didn't even watch you so it's not too difficult.

The last option is if you have a connection on the inside - if a guard is a friend of the family, maybe one of the nurses. Or if you have a really cool attorney. This is rare and difficult and usually didn't last too long for one reason or another, not sure why.
SoldadoDeDrogasThese are pretty clever! They dont usually test mail for hidden drugs? I would guess soaking paper has been done for a bit?
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Don't buy from me
Nov 16, 2023
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These are pretty clever! They dont usually test mail for hidden drugs? I would guess soaking paper has been done for a bit?
miner21Things like cocaine and heroin don't work trying to get them in through the mail sprayed on paper. I am assuming that if the prep is good and the letter doesn't look tampered with in any way, as in, it doesn't look like it's been sprayed with something or smells funny, it is the ambiguity of the family of synthetic noids, for example, that makes it possible for them to get through. For example, there is no generalized test for a 'synth noid' - you would have to test for 100 different chemicals specifically, they don't have those kinds of resources. They don't test unless they have a good reason to suspect.

At one point the synth-noid-paper that was coming through was so potent, literally doses were the same size as a blotter square of LSD. In other words, a page of 7.5x11' lined paper had a few thousands hits on it. You would eat 1 or 2 of these and be so stoned all day, you'd go to sleep, wake up, and still be wrecked. Duration was atleast 20 hours.. it provided a wonderful escape into an abstract world. It was like eating 800+mg of THC edibles.
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Don't buy from me
Sep 15, 2023
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Things like cocaine and heroin don't work trying to get them in through the mail sprayed on paper. I am assuming that if the prep is good and the letter doesn't look tampered with in any way, as in, it doesn't look like it's been sprayed with something or smells funny, it is the ambiguity of the family of synthetic noids, for example, that makes it possible for them to get through. For example, there is no generalized test for a 'synth noid' - you would have to test for 100 different chemicals specifically, they don't have those kinds of resources. They don't test unless they have a good reason to suspect.

At one point the synth-noid-paper that was coming through was so potent, literally doses were the same size as a blotter square of LSD. In other words, a page of 7.5x11' lined paper had a few thousands hits on it. You would eat 1 or 2 of these and be so stoned all day, you'd go to sleep, wake up, and still be wrecked. Duration was atleast 20 hours.. it provided a wonderful escape into an abstract world. It was like eating 800+mg of THC edibles.
SoldadoDeDrogasBetter dose that carefully huh? I have heard stories of people being off their ass on those synthetic noids
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Don't buy from me
Nov 16, 2023
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Better dose that carefully huh? I have heard stories of people being off their ass on those synthetic noids
miner21Yea now that I think about it, I remember hearing some stories of guys who hadn't had any contact with synth-noids whatsoever, no weed in years, they got dosed and 'went off the deep end', more or less... They ended up losing their head and either had it go down as a rare, but managable episode.. or others ended up committed to the state psych hospital and supposedly weren't the same again.

A strong mind and familiarity towards the substance goes such a long way in dealing with troubling experiences. The only one really concerned with making sure the dose is proper - the chemist, really just needs to make sure they are coming out with a slight profit, if anything, and that the shit isn't bunk. Otherwise, noones gonna OD right? I mean how strong can someone make a blotter sized piece of paper with synth-noid? The whole page sold for anywhere between $200 to ~$1,500 I've heard, for the really bomb shit. One of those pages would be worth a few thousand dollars in retail at $10 a hit. $200 was more of a postage stamp sized hit (if that), usually it wasn't worth buying unless it was totally dry, but often this was the 'going-rate' amount to try to scam someone into. So there was a few doses to a page, if it was even good at all. There wasn't many people doing this at the time (2017-18 or so), so getting one of those really good quality sources was rare on the inside, and most likely you had stamp sized doses.

A very nice luxury to have on the inside. If you can handle it ;]


Don't buy from me
Oct 11, 2023
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You just watched too much beaking bad ahah at least it's meth and not ricin


Don't buy from me
Sep 15, 2023
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SoldadoDeDrogas: I have a similar fear of psychedelics because of having a bad trip and being committed to the state psych hospital myself. Man I love your insight on this! Its great to read
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