Matchbox stuck point help?


Don't buy from me
Jul 21, 2024
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Hello friends, I'm sorry in advance for my bad English. I started on this path about 3 years ago. At that time, I had a great way of extracting MBRP from matchboxes. As far as I remember, I scraped matchboxes. Then I washed it with acetone and rinsed it. Then, I boiled it with hydrochloric acid and cleaned the paper pieces that came out. This is all I remember about those times and I don't remember where I got this recipe. Now let's get to our main topic.

I decided to go this route again and went and bought matchboxes again.

These matchboxes are not the ones with white holes, they are completely brown coated matchboxes. I tested a few things written. The first of these was to first intervene with hot water, but after intervening with hot water, I could not scrape anything and it started to peel off along with all the paper.

Then I changed the method, I dipped the side of any matchbox in acetone without cutting it and started scraping it with a razor and it worked much better. I've included a picture of the razor I used below.


I finished the process, then crushed all the collected MBRP in a small mortar until it was completely powdered. I made everything in completely clean glass containers. No tools touched with soap were used. After I finished crushing everything, I poured the powder into a glass beaker and covered it with acetone.

Here comes my real question. What should I do from now on to make my RP cleaner? I read articles stating that the use of water or sulfuric acid damages RP, but I was not completely sure. I need help on this matter. What should I do from here? How can I clean more? Or, as I mentioned at the beginning, if I boil it again with hydrochloric acid (I don't remember if there were any other steps), would the RP be clean enough for RXN?



Don't buy from me
Mar 6, 2024
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Cut the striking strips off the books. Soak the strips in acetone until they’re clean. Remove the paper strips and then let the rp dry. Once dry clean with hcl. Then clean with distilled water. Then clean with IPA or acetone again. Been 20 yrs or so since I used method but that was it I believe


Don't buy from me
Jul 21, 2024
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Thank you for your comment. I found the article yesterday about where I read it. It was someone called swimm from the old hive. The point I am at now is that I did an acetone wash. I took the paint that came out with an acetone with syringe and drained it. Then I did another acetone wash. This time I used a very fine-mesh strainer and most of the paper pieces remained on the strainer. Then I waited for the remaining acetone liquid to sit again and this time the acetone was a little less red. Then I drained that acetone too. It is waiting like that now. I think I will clean it again today using normal and warm hydrochloric acid. Then we will see what happens. I will edit the topic later for everyone's benefit.