Set up your garage chemistry lab


Oct 30, 2021
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Lab is in the garage.

The garage was inherited, or you bought it yourself - no matter. From boxing in a yacht club to built with your own hands, any garage can bring money. Preparing to launch an underground laboratory is 50% success. During the preparation phase, contingencies should be excluded. Even before the first purchase of reagents, you must think through the production cycle from the beginning of synthesis to recycling. And if you read that, you already know what you want. The article will consider the construction of a laboratory in the garage space, as well as a number of important problems related to the production of drugs.

Most often, illegal production of narcotic substances is carried out in rented apartments, country houses, shed, farms, containers, building premises, earthen shelters. But it is the garage that is the leader of opportunity and simplicity.

Why the garage?
☑ Distance from residential sector
☑ Cheapness of process organization and operation
☑ Wide range of possibilities
☑ The technical purpose of the structure allows you to quickly install and dismantle equipment, change the configuration of the space. Also, in the event of a leak of chemical odors, compromising the laboratory is less likely.

The garage area and the availability of communications are the main boundaries on which the scaling of the laboratory depends. In a limited space, the manufacture of drugs should be optimized as much as possible. It is unacceptable to dehydrate and pack the final product next to reagents or production waste.

Depending on the conditions and tasks, the garage is used for a complete synthesis cycle or its stages, the manufacture of tablets/capsules, packing of goods, the manufacture of packaging, masking for subsequent transportation), (including concealment of drugs inside vehicles), processing of plant raw materials.
It is worth noting that in rare cases, the garage is suitable for synthesis using a reactor. The use of the reactor requires a ceiling height of more than two meters, a ventilation system with a high pipe. And small wholesale synthesized in flasks is the best choice for the garage.
What needs to be considered and on what factors do security depend?

  • noise
  • sharp smell, in the absence of air filtering systems
  • tightly closed windows may raise suspicions
  • high electricity bills
  • disorder in the surrounding area
  • disorderly appearance of cars and people at different times of the day
  • overly high levels of safety systems may attract extra attention
  • suspicious waste (bottles, boxes, bags, medicines, traces of chemicals)
  • sewage analysis (relatively new way to detect substance abuse)
  • excess heat coming from the room (infrared cameras are used to detect farms and laboratories)

To be sure of success, the above items are considered when organizing the laboratory.

Chemical reactions require:

☑ Uninterrupted power supply from 6KW or more. As a rule, there are no windows in the garages and a sudden power outage can lead to the most undesirable consequences, so install a backup power supply (for lighting and safety systems).
☑ Water supply (ideally sewage), as well as a sink and dryer for wet dishes. Without this, it is impossible to keep the laboratory clean.
Exhaust forced ventilation equipped with air filters.
☑ Refrigeration equipment.

Two-tier garages with communications are most preferred due to zoning of production stages. Lacking a separate room for the storage of reagents, a cabinet with a ventilation function is installed. Oxidizers are forbidden to be stored near volatile, explosive and flammable substances. Volatile reagents are recommended to be stored at low temperatures and used cooled. Hygroscopic reagents should be stored in a sealed container, in places with a minimum level of air humidity. To avoid increasing the concentration of poisonous vapors in the air and eliminating the likelihood of fire, the warehouse is necessarily equipped with independent exhaust ventilation. One of the simple ways to control the temperature in the room is a mobile air conditioning system.


CCTV cameras at the facility are better to use the hidden type. Security systems located in plain sight can attract the interest of others. Alarm, video surveillance and electronic locks are installed with a backup power source (battery).
Any laboratory shall have a minimum first aid kit for injuries and emergencies. Nightmare (firefighter), other means of protecting the skin and respiratory organs. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, safe when extinguishing electrical appliances. Ideally, an automatic fire extinguishing system is installed, designed taking into account dry zones. Dry areas include the storage of hygroscopic substances/substances reacting with water, the locations of electrical panels and a backup power source. The garage gate must be mechanical, avoid the electric drive opening the gate.
Accidental discovery is additional risks. The gate must have a separate door for entry. Also, the floors in the laboratory are covered with film, which can be easily disposed of after synthesis or if a reagent spill.


From this responsible stage, the writing of the article should have begun. Regardless of the availability of sewage, toxic waste should be treated and taken away for disposal. The synthesis process is accompanied by the accumulation of numerous compounds that are directly harmful to health and ecology. Caustic sludge with impurities of heavy metals, acids, combustible mixtures of solvents and much more - all this is unacceptable to store in a laboratory, bury in the backyard or throw in a garbage container. Take care of the vehicle, the method of packaging and the places of safe disposal of waste in advance. It is possible to dispose of waste in pre-selected places in the forest, burying or pouring into the soil.

You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.
Environmentally friendly recycling is a question asked by professional manufacturers of substances with extensive experience. Small batches or young bees, as a rule, do not have a significant amount of waste in to allocate a lot of time for disposal.
  • The main task of recycling is to effectively and safely get rid of the remnants of production.
Considering the most frequent methods of waste treatment, the main recommendation remains - burn, everything that burns and drains, everything that flows. Regularly burning waste in the furnace, chemists are left to bury about 10 pounds of ash and sludge in a month of work. Before draining liquid waste (by any method), it is necessary to at least partially destroy the existing chemical compounds. For this, when treating waste, concentrated acids or alkalis are used. The treatment of waste is also considered in the topic of organizing a laboratory in a private house.

Equipment and inventory:
Lab freezers. Used for storage, cooling and crystallization.
Fume hood. This is used to protect the user from inhaling toxic gases.
Resistant to chemical and mechanical effects, additionally equipped with sewage flanges at the edges (for protection against accidental spillage).
Vacuum pump. It is indispensable in the processes of filtration, distillation, vacuum creation in the desiccator and other systems.
Heated magnetic stirrer. It is used in almost all stages of production. Its absence significantly reduces the quality and result of synthesis, increasing labor costs.
General-purpose scales and special-precision scales. They find application in almost all stages of production, storage and packaging.
Electric stove. It is used for heating in almost all stages of production.
The reactor will only be needed in a large garage for the synthesis of large wholesale. In other cases, the use of the reactor is unjustified and takes up too much space. A Laboratory reactor is designed for the optimization and reproduction of various chemical reactions, dispersal, mixing, and homogenizing processes.
Rotary evaporator. Used in chemical laboratories for the efficient and gentle removal of solvents from samples by evaporation.
Powerful channel fan. The main task of such a fan is active air replacement. Weaker (silent) fans are used for constant ventilation (for example, in places where reagents are stored).
Sealing device is used for tight packing of reagents and finished product. Also, the seal is of the vacuum type.
The required amount of various utensils and auxiliary equipment is determined by the task of synthesis.
Always have a supply of consumables (especially paper towels), as well as containers for storing, masking, transporting and recycling waste. Do not forget about the spare set of clothes.
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Don't buy from me
New Member
Feb 20, 2022
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Hi . Im first time here and i want to say a big big tanks. I was wondering if this place exists


Don't buy from me
New Member
Mar 12, 2022
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This post is a gold mine. Instant bookmarked. (y)


Oct 30, 2021
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I'm at your service! If there is anything to add, I'll be sure to update the post.
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Don't buy from me
New Member
Mar 23, 2022
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hello, can i build a reactor from a conical fermenter? to equip it with a mechanical agitator, as a heating system I thought to install a heating belt. it only needs to get the temperature for a reaction of max 60 degrees. it is about the synthesis of mephedrone. Should the barrel be closed and allow for some methylamine gas discharge or is it better to leave the hole open at the top?


Jul 5, 2021
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Reaction mass should be connected with atmosphere via reflux condenser to avoid evaporation


Don't buy from me
New Member
Oct 27, 2022
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So amazing! Any recommendations on a good used HPLC machine?


Don't buy from me
New Member
Dec 27, 2022
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I always start with an Agilent 1100. Purchase a used model that includes the software (usually chem station) and a computer. I go with a diode-array detector (DAD), binary solvent system, degasser, and auto-sampler. Price ranges from $10k-$12k.