

Jun 24, 2021
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Chemsex is the use of psychoactive substances as part of sex life. This concept is used to refer to sexual intercourse, an integral part of which is drug use.

A little history

The history of the chemsex originates in the distant past. Since ancient times, there have been cases when after the use of certain supplies, people could perform a significant number of sexual acts in a row. It can be assumed that this was caused by substances that had a general tonic effect and significantly increased libido. Indian tribes used damiana for these purposes, Chinese - ginseng. In modern Indonesia, local women injected jimsonweed juices and belladonna into the vagina - it was believed that this helped to get a bright orgasm. It is worth assuming that the chemsex, in the form in which this concept is used now, began to emerge with the advent of the first stimulants and euphoretics on sale, and became widespread with the advent of designer drugs. When the trade in prohibited substances moved from the streets to the Internet, interest in chemsex began to grow with geometric progression - it became easier to buy what you want. Currently, the chemsex is experiencing its peak - parties with a sexual bias have become common among young people, where drugs are used instead of alcohol. Chemsex is also common among swingers and other categories practicing group sex. Sex with the use of prohibited substances began to break into the life of mature couples who want to diversify their intimacy. Even with priestesses of love, now the client is "high" associated more with pleasantly spent time than with the asocial and insolvent segments of the population, although many still exercise caution. How deeply the chemsex will enter the intimate life of the next generations is still difficult to predict, but personally, my opinion - in the foreseeable future, its popularity will only grow.

Why are more and more people choosing chemsex?

The main effects for which chemsex is practiced are:

- Increasing libido;

- Liberating, going beyond the ordinary;

- Prolongation of sexual intercourse;

- Getting more sensations during sex;

- Overall tonic effect.

The effects may differ depending on the substance that is used, but, most often, the main set of effects remains unchanged. Usually, users who practice chemsex, at a minimum, have tried, and at a maximum, constantly practice several substances for this purpose.


Before practicing chemsex - make sure you have no contraindications, to the chosen surfactant, get acquainted with the substance, follow the guidelines for use.

Use only recommended methods of consumption! In no case should you apply substances to the mucous surface of the genitals, as well as practice other ways of consumption, besides the recommended ones.

Protect yourself, no matter what emotions overwhelmed you. The best solution will be sex exclusively with proven partners, whom you have known and trust for a long time. Unprotected sex is the cause of STDs, HIV, hepatitis C and other diseases.

Treat your body and partner/partner organism responsibly. Often, intoxicated of substances during intercourse, excessive traumatization can occur. Think, even if you are now delighted with some potentially dangerous actions, will this not lead to further health problems?

Do not neglect normal healthy sex, do not abuse with chemsex. This will lead to almost irreversible consequences, in which interest in sexual intimacy will be lost without the use of surfactants.
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Don't buy from me
Sep 8, 2023
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There are some seriously good words in the above post, which I wish I had used in my work. Please heed them.

FWIW this is how I introduced chemsex purely from a harm reduction perspective:


Chemsex is generally defined as the consumption of drugs to facilitate or enhance sexual activity, and is a lot more prevalent than most people assume. Whilst this aspect is referred to for individual drugs in the following sections of this book, there are a number of general considerations which are worthy of note at the outset.

r/DrugUsersBible - A selection of erotic drugs, Amsterdam

The actual effects and the experience differ significantly from drug class to drug class. I would summarize these as follows:
  • Certain stimulants (particularly amphetamines) produce the most primal, prolonged and intensive orgasmic pleasure.
  • Cannabinoids (cannabis) help you to get lost in the moment and flow with it.
  • At low doses many psychedelics can take you to a different place, and enhance physical sensitivity.
  • Empathogens, such as MDMA, tend to take a similar path, with a more muted headspace, but hardly surprisingly enhanced empathy.
I am aware that some people cite alcohol and GHB in this field, but I view these primarily as relaxants, and not as active sexual enhancers. I would not pitch them in the same ballpark as any of the above in this respect.

If this sounds like an invitation to dive in and to engage, it isn’t. As with most joys in life there is a flip side: in this case exposure to significant danger. Drug use carries risk, and drug use for sexual gratification is no different.
Stating the obvious immediately, the usual harm reduction procedures and practices continue to apply. This includes the 10 Commandments of Safer Drug Use as specified earlier.
I would add to these a number of other considerations which relate specifically to chemsex:
  • In some cases, most significantly with stimulants/amphetamines, a high watermark can be reached which is not attainable without the drug. This is a poisoned chalice. It can cause a number of subsequent problems, making normal sexual activity relatively unfulfilling, with obvious and very real implications for relationships. Don't trivialise or dismiss this aspect: it is not as uncommon as you might imagine.
  • Often related to this is an ongoing craving for the sexual payload of the drug in question. Added to its existing hooks, this potent additional inducement can accelerate the path to addiction. Be constantly aware of this and take full account of it.
  • It is important to bear in mind that under the influence restraint and judgement are often impaired, and that events can develop quickly and potentially without due deliberation. It is probably not the best idea for a single party to heavily engage whilst the other(s) doesn't. Equally, parameters and boundaries should be agreed by all parties beforehand.
  • Finally, the compound stress of both sex and drugs on the body should be carefully contemplated, particularly by those with any pre-existing medical conditions.
It is a statement of fact that some drugs can increase sexual appetite and enhance the experience itself. However, my last word on this would be that, if indulging, the real world still exists and so do its risks. Don’t suspend logic and always practise harm reduction. Or alternatively, steer well clear.