help anhydrous ammonia


Don't buy from me
Jan 28, 2024
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Can someone please post the best and simplest way to make meth with the anhydrous ammonia method I understand it I get also shake and bake is like someone had a list and no idea what to do with it mixed it in a bottle and after that one blew up and they realized the kitty litter wasn't crucial and shake ans bake was born lol I know how to get the NH3- and I get that lithium holds extra hydrogen but after making the nh3 I don't practically know exactly what to do were I too have to guess I'd say pills in the ammonia and add lithium and make a 3 layer and gas it off but idk for sure even if you get the whole theory practical application is another beast entirely I know the HI method which is where I got the ideas I have on what to do next and I've had couple years of college chemistry I'd really like to revamp some homemade stuff again tired of Levo too keep in mind all you smarty pants out there simplicity is the major theme of all this whenever possible thank you


Don't buy from me
May 26, 2023
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Ammonia can kill you cause panic Force mistakes and become an overall nuisance other than that it's fine but if you must start ultra small scale because everybody f**** up once with this method I've yet to see anyone who hasn't

Osmosis Vanderwaal

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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I don't think you have had a couple years of college chemistry. Using actual anhydrous ammonia is problematic with the shake and bake method. Ammonia is liquid only at 100 psi or -40°f so getting ammonia into a plastic bottle while retaining one of those parameters is tricky. It can be done but you need a plan. More popular is stripping an ammonium salt with lye in situ


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May 26, 2023
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Yeah I'm I'm talking about actual real life situations not in the lab situation you got to be a f****** idiot to do that I'm talking about stealing it or compressing it yourself in less than ideal conditions .

Osmosis Vanderwaal

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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amazingly che seen it done in soda bis bottles a million times. It breaks my mind to think that a pop bottle can hold 100 psi but somehow I see liquid bronze made in pop bottles all the time liquid brange=solvated electrons in ammonia it can be done with sodium instead of Lithium also. people with 2 years of college chemistry call it a birch reaction. Stealing ammonia from a farmer is probably less safe than robbing a bank at gun point farmers all have guns and they know exactly what you are trying to do and there about a 25% chance you will kill yourself the first time you try it, a 10% chance you will get held at gunpoint until the cops get there and a 40% Chance you find you can't even get the shit out of the tank and into something suitable to steal it in. IT IS THE MOST DANGEROUS THING YOU HAVE EVER DONE. Like I already said, get some ammonium nitrate, sulfate, chloride and put it in a bottle with some sodium hydroxide unless you are the luckiest mother fucker in the world. The high you get from Stealing that ammonia is a hello a lot stronger them anything you can make with it


Don't buy from me
May 26, 2023
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Nowadays I would not do anything as stupid I would use direct hydrogenation palladium on carbon to be fancy are challenging but the easiest most reliable is push pull with red and I I wasn't s******* on your method I was just saying the obligatory warning that the Birch is more dangerous than it should be let's put it that way I've gotten along full of ammonia in the lab before and I'll say it's up there with fluorine and yes the one pot Birch or shake and bake came into massive use when I was a freshman in college so a while ago it's been around we moved from soda bottles to fire extinguishers with special tools to be able to reach it and vent but where I'm living you get no nitrate in your cold pack just urea and the whole point of the one part was convenience I enjoy 1 discussing chemistry along with real world chemistry along with following directions script Kitty chemistry cuz Lord knows I've done everything you should never do but maybe everybody's not as stupid as me


Don't buy from me
Jul 28, 2023
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I know right? People do the craziest most dangrrous shit sometimes, and when they don't happen to have a critical accident, well everyone else just takes that as a proof of concept and run with it! I used to sometimes cook with this dude who INSISTED that anything we did be hydrogenated by his fire extinguisher rig. The same fucking one from the 1970's or something. Right as we would get started with the cook, he would unscrew the valve from the top, drop in a couple fist-fulls of rock salt, pour sulfuric acid in, screw the valve back in, tighten it down, then he would walk outside to the telephone pole, and while holding the old ass thing by a ring that ran around the top, he would bash it in to the side of the pole, putting a large dent in the side. No Idea why, the fucking thing had a pressure guage on top! Then he would come back in and set the extinguisher in the corner and then turn his attention to whatever still needed doing with the ongoing synth. It annoyed the fuck out of me because whenever I was manufacturing, or doing anything which could get me a ride on a prison bus, I was always quiet, alert, and listening for any sounds that might indicate that there is a problem... Basically just nervous and anxious, but most people couldn't tell. However, it DID make me a little jumpy. And every fucking time, I would forget about that damned extinguisher as I worked, and every damned time it would get me.... I would be working quietly, off in my own little world when suddenly, "KLAAANG!!!!" The dent would pop out of the side of that extinguisher and scare the FUCK OUT OF ME!!!! If I had ANYTHING in my hands I usually dropped it, cause the second it e
Went off ny ass was LITERRALY 3 steps towards the door!!!! And then every time this asshole would yell, "Gas is ready!!!" Like we were fucking held up waiting on it or something!!!! God he fucking pissed me off! And I was ALWAYS scared that mother fucked was going to explode!! It happened like 5 times and then I refused to work with him anymore. Lol


Don't buy from me
Jan 28, 2024
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I'm just going to mix ammonium nitrate and sodium hydroxide in say a gas can run a hose into some kitty litter and then into a container in dry ice


Don't buy from me
Jan 28, 2024
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I'm not looking to start a rousing existential theoretical conversation lol I thought I was already up my own rear end but it gets worse from here huh lol o well you can totally see the roots of all this began in alchemy and its influence is still alive today lol no offense I run around spilling this shit on the streets to people who are drug addicts that do not care in the least. I'm just honestly trying to Find a feasible way to come up in the world and it's barely profitable to do HI method and I actually do have me some palladium plated plates but that seems like a long dark road on good days I've made nitric acid in my bathroom with cold packs and miriatic and I don't wanna end up with a bunch of Levo fucj that sucker ass shit polar pure is back but you have to order it and the people involved in smurfing enough boxes is going to be redonkulous don't wanna add even more for that and I don't make enough money to hardley make a fuck idk you tell me and I was just wanting to know what to do once I have the anhydrous ammonia I can go find it somewhere else honestly just hoped for more practical explanation with out navigation of a bunch of fuck ass reference material I'd be somewhere well ventilated prob a makeshift fume hood if possible it doesn't take but like a Oz for two boxes anyway even if I had to small batch lot of small batches that's fine too