Question Questions towards Chinese suppliers


Don't buy from me
Sep 28, 2023
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Buying from China in theory sounds amazing, apart the longer delivery times. Now I have some questions.
  1. What does it mean to have a warehouse in Poland or other countries?
    Lets say I want to order a controlled substance such as sodium borohydride or pregabalin to an address in Poland.
    How does it work after payment is completed? Do you ship the product from China to said warehouse for this example in Poland and reship it to the customers address domestically, or the product is already in Poland and shipped directly to customer?
  2. Who is responsible for customs when the parcel is entering the European Union to said warehouse? The customer or the seller?
  3. When receiving the product, does it count as a delivery from China or a delivery from Poland?
  4. Domestic shipping from Poland to Poland poses little to no risk, though shipping from China to Poland does. Is buying from a Chinese seller pose no risk as the product is shipped from the domestic warehouse?
  5. Who takes care of import taxes if applicable?
  6. What exactly is a domestic warehouse? Do you own a private warehouse in said country or rent a space in a public warehouse? An example such as a photo or address would clarify a lot
  7. Take for example whwingroup Jeissychem621. Advertising a local Poland supply. Does this mean I can place an order and receive a domestic parcel from Poland to my Polish address without any risk of the parcel going missing or seized and anything that has to do with importing it from China to Europe has nothing to do with me. Am I correct?

    I am asking these questions to understand more clearly the process before I attempt to order from a Chinese supplier. I know y'all guys lurk on every thread to advertise yourself, so please do the same here and hopefully clarify everything for me and others that are thinking of ordering from China. ❤️


See my products
Sep 19, 2023
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Hello Sir:
First of all, I am honored that you have added me in the list of Chinese suppliers, I am happy to discuss with you on these questions and make the necessary clarifications to everyone, the following is just as our team's point of view, and is not directed at any company or individual:
1. Polish warehouses or overseas warehouses in other countries means that the supplier transports these locally controlled such as Prebutaline, etc. from China to these public warehouses and then sends them to the customer when the customer needs them by the forwarder of the public warehouse. Of course this has the advantage of ensuring fast delivery, but at the same time there are some security issues that have to be considered, because as you said, many of these substances are locally controlled, so if one of the supplier's overseas warehouses is inspected by the authorities or if the customer (consignee) that the supplier shipped to from the overseas warehouse is arrested or there are some security issues, it means that all the buyers who shipped through the warehouse will be at risk of being inspected or having their goods shipped to the supplier's warehouse. If one of the supplier's overseas warehouses is inspected by the authorities or the customer (consignee) of the supplier's shipments from the overseas warehouse is arrested or there is some security problem, it means that all the buyers shipping through the overseas warehouse are at the risk of being inspected or charged, which is a security risk that has to be considered.
2. Regarding customs clearance, no matter whether the goods are shipped through the overseas warehouse or not, the seller is responsible for customs clearance of all goods (except for some special countries such as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, etc.)
3. Whether the goods are shipped from Polish warehouse or shipped directly from China, most of the goods are made in China, the difference is that the goods sent from Polish warehouse are delivered directly by the local post office, while the goods sent from China usually need to arrive at the third country in the European Union first, and then forwarded to your local post office by the carrier in the third country for delivery, which will take longer time.
4. I don't think that Poland to Poland is not risky and China to Poland can be dangerous. Because for example the Premarin you mentioned is a legal substance in China, but when it arrives in a Polish warehouse, it is a controlled contraband, as I mentioned before, it is not safe to store large quantities of contraband in Poland, I don't think it's safe to do so, once this warehouse is inspected by the authorities all the buyers are easily traced and at some risk, but it's safer to ship the goods directly from China (in general). Instead, it's safer to ship directly from China (usually the supplier will disguise the goods as necessary and produce relevant documents), because it's very difficult for the EU customs to pinpoint the tens of thousands of parcels labeled as legitimate products belonging to the buyer.
5. In order to be safe, usually Chinese products will be imported from a third country in the European Union, and then handed over by the third country to the local carrier for transportation to the buyer's designated address, so the import tax will be levied by the third country.
6. All domestic warehouses, which are rented public warehouses, can greatly save the transportation time, but as I said before, it will face some security problems, you can ask other suppliers who rent overseas warehouses for some photos of the warehouses.
7.I don't think you will be safer if you ship from local warehouse, you can refer to the previous EU special inspection action, I think shipping from local is more unsafe and easier to be tracked by the authorities, of course this is just my personal opinion.
In addition: I hope that all people rationally look at the overseas warehouse transportation things, according to their own actual situation to choose the mode of transportation, each way has its own advantages and disadvantages, as far as time is concerned, the overseas warehouse is more rapid, but the security of the shipment from China to a third country in the European Union and then forwarded to the consignee's country, it will be less likely to be tracked, will not face the authorities to surprise inspection of warehouses and such a risk.
Attached is the tracking number for the shipment to Poland and the news about the EU authorities' inspection activities in the previous period (when we suspended the shipment), I hope everyone is safe and has a Merry Christmas!
Safety first


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Don't buy from me
Sep 28, 2023
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Thank you for clarifying every single question I had, with your additional opinion. Now I can much more clearly choose where to get my chemicals from. Huge respect for taking your time in writing all of this, I'm sure you clarified everything not only for me, but for many other people as well.


See my products
Sep 19, 2023
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Yes, you're welcome my friend, this is a concern for many people, and as a Chinese supplier, It is a necessary courtesy to answer the questions you ask ,you have raised this issue, and I think it's important for me to give you and those who are concerned about this issue my opinion and what I know about overseas warehouses and shipping, as I should!


Don't buy from me
Jan 9, 2024
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does anyone recommend a trusted vendor in the reagents section for bmk glycidic acid