Russian Mephedrone (4MMC) Synthesis review


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Mar 1, 2023
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This is a copy-paste. I’d like to know from experts if this is a good method.

4MMC "Russian Method"
Chemicals needed:

1. 2-bromo-4methylprophenone

2. methylamine

3. HCI aq.

4. NaOH

5. 1,4 Dioxan (optional)

6. Acetone

Step 1: dissolve 75g 2-bromo-4methylprohenone in200mL benzene

Step: 2 Prepare an aqueous solution of methylamine in two stages:

Stage 1: In 100 mL distilled cold water add 40g NaH (danger: exothermic reaction therefore use previously cooled water)

Stage 2: In 75mL distilled water add 67gr Methylamine, then mix with previous stage alkaline solution

Step 3: Add Methylamine solution to previous 2-bromo-4methylprophenone solution and mix thorughfully. Let sit and top layer will gradually turn yellowish.

Step 4: extract yellowish oil with a syringe and place in another container

Step 5: Add 250ml acetone, and mix with yellow oil.

Measure PH and should be around 10-11

Step 6- Dilute HCI (if pure) to 250mL acetone and add to the previous solution till PH Indicator turns red, Indicating an acidity of 5.5-6 PH and mix through fully for around 30 minutes. Will turn into powder.

Step 7:
Proceed to filter. Either with Vacuum filter or in cloth/filters and wash with acetone till product is off-white color (mix 1g of product with 3mL water and place in a shallow plate or similar and let dry naturally).