It could be made to land with the right stealth, Germany is not one of our problem countries, but the shipping is insane ( for me to send you something starts at $20 for the smallest package. I appreciate the offer, I could show you my wallet and that I pay for samples that are offered free to me because I support our sellers and a free sample isn't free to the seller. I have 2 other free samples from Europe that I haven't pursued. Let the poor kids have the samples. Did you know, I myself am giving away free samples! Currentlymits tell me what you want and I'll find it. HEISENBURG is actually footing the bill and giving away the samples, I am just the agent for it in the US. If we could just get Judy Lui Who( not a real name) to bring that pallet of velaraphenone to thier warehouse state side, I'd buy the whole thing. Velarian( the plant) is an invasive species here so i could start there, and in 15 short synths be gravelling my drive way