Certainly I'd not encourage production, distribution or selling of barbs on any public scene where the young generation is used to bomb countless of RC benzos and end up, if not going to tragic way of be taken to the hospital, in benzo blast for several day and not even remembering what they did with a total blackout.
Now imagine a vendor or RC shop putting a new barbs RC, that for a huge miracle is not mutagenic or toxic (since the chances of minting one out going blind, but even if made with some more serious approach based on pharmacology "on paper", not really predictable, are very high) added to category "sedatives". The scenario above won't probably even happen, at the second or third drop thinking "worst case i'll just go benzoblast or passing out", they would probably fall asleep forever.
Still, is laughable to think barbs are called "sedatives"; when there are some specific ones, where the on-set for the first 20 mins gives a rush even stronger than best of cocaine and amph, before switching to the other phases or proper nirvana.
Anyway, don't do barbs (even because you won't find probably any, if not phenobarbital, that is junk as recreational value, and pentobarbital, that is neither something worth taking risk).
And, avoid as well all junk sold as RC from chinese claiming to be another well-known vintage class still hunt after half century..and proposed with few analogues that even a search on wikipedia will tell you it's mutagenic and neurotoxic - or giving convulsion and spams at low dosages - or being totally worthless as effects.