Cop Stories


PR manager
Sep 6, 2022
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Most of us have been confronted by cops during our drug moves. Someone got busted by the DEA in the lab, someone got ratted out by their drug dealer, or there was a raid at the club. Some have been caught with a bag up their ass at the airport or post office with a pack of wax in their hand, and got slammed during a cash-out. When you're involved with drugs and often hold them in your hands, anything can happen.

In this section, members of BB Forum share their collective experiences of interactions with the police. It's always helpful to know how to behave during a search in the apartment. How to avoid arrest and liability. Tell us about your own encounters with police, what the outcome was, and what could have helped you if you had the right experience at the time. Maybe you got into trouble abroad? Share your experience with us, it could save someone's life.

See also section: Arrests of laboratories. Stories of failure.

Osmosis Vanderwaal

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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I happen to be very familiar with law in the United States. Many of you have seen videos from "cop watch" or some such content maker. Don't count on being those guys. They don't show the videos where the cops just body slam the guy, best his ass and throw his camera in the dumpster.
I'd like to say a couple of things that could help you avoid prosecution or injury.
1. YOU CAN NOT BEAT THE POLICE ON THE STREET. You can only beat them in court. Don't resist arrest. If they made an error, you need to just wait until you see the judge. Cops always think they are right. Resisting arrest adds another charge and doesn't help your position in court. They might beat your ass too.
2.It IS lawful for a cop to search anything within your reach in a traffic stop. See Terry vs. the state of Ohio US supreme Court.
They are only supposed to be looking for weapons, but they will probably take everything out of your pockets. Wether this is legal or not depends on the state and the judge. Often times drugs found in a terry search are inadmissible in court, but you'll still lose the drugs.
3. Don't attempt to represent yourself in court. It's a fool move. You need that court appointed attorney to file motions and discovery and negotiate a plea bargain. A defendant can't negotiate with the prosecution.
4. If you don't speak up in court the judge will not hold your hand and act on your behalf. It's a conflict of interest to a neutral party.
5. There's no such thing as a statement in your defense. A statement is evidence. Don't give one.
6. Don't expect cops to tell the truth, in the street or in court. If cops had to tell the truth they would never catch anyone. Cops lie every day. They are good at it. They are above the law on the street and in ( your) court case. They'll have to be charged to be held accountable. That's not the case you are attending.
I could go on but that seems like a good start.


Don't buy from me
Jan 26, 2023
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My house was rated many years ago. I had much more going on outside of the scope of the warrant. and not much to do within the scope of it. My friend group was solid but one oversight cost me a lot of stress, time and money. My word of advice to all you chemist, dealers to recreational users. SUMMED UP IN A FEW WORDS.
DONT. THROW. ANYTHING WITH DRUG RESIDUE IN YOUR TRASH. dedicate a bag or box that you put all used equipment’s, containers, including bags, q tips used to clean a pipe etc etc. keep your trash clean as a whistle. If you feel you’re under surveillance, and you think they just need to get probable cause (USA) check your trash. All the way up till trash pickup day/ and times. If your trash goes unmolested, especially if kept on the curb for a couple days, you’re likely not under any sort of surveillance. Cus all it takes is one drug gained baggie to obtain a warrant to raid your house. Learn from my mistakes. Be safe ish out there folks.


Don't buy from me
Jan 29, 2022
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Trash is big one for labs in USA also wasted water samples


Don't buy from me
Jan 29, 2022
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Always see big picture in the game. People concentrate on wrong shit often. You have to see big picture.
Like people would use all encrypted chats to communicate with their clients, but ship from post office with cameras.
Meet up with clients some out of city area, but hold drugs at home. Use tails to vendor shit but pack parcels without gloves.
If you cautious you have to be cautious in every step. If you laid back be laid back everywhere the faster the sentencing happens because one weak link in chain will get you caught, doesnt matter if all other parts are bulletproof just one missing part will get you down, boy.
I dont know about USA, but in Europe you have to blend in by your appearance to look normal. Cops know how junkies look like, they know how average thugs look like and they screen for it. Even if stopped by normal police (EU) nobody knows you have 1kg of coke in your car until you make it look like you have. Have to build that inner peace in this moments.
When I was smoking weed very much I was doing all kinds of shit, acting like total normal sober person. I wanted to look always sober so people dont think I am smoker and I found that we as humans always when meet each other we give strong first eye contact at least once to check that person somehow. let it be your mom or policeman, they will always look in your eyes when meet, so you have to pass that, if you dont they will find you suspicious and something is off.
People who have never been in prisons they will get learning curve mostly after that happens.
You have to see big picture. Do you blend in as nomal person, do you blend in where you live, what people about you think where you get your money. lavish lifestyles of non workers gets people jealous and even your "friends" will cause you problems.
I think drug biz is lonely life actually if you want to make it. You cant trust new people, which makes hard to connect with new people. You cant share with anyone how was your day, what things you did.
But..every average making or up drug dealer I know, even after long prison time all came back to same biz, some do it better some got back to prison. Drug game is addictive.
Used to get paranoid for some shit, or mistake, throw drugs all away, promising myself to quit, no more drug biz.Next day thinking where I throw my drugs and how to find it.
Better stand still and avoid every possible mistake and understand that you love drug trade and make it big.
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Don't buy from me
Apr 14, 2024
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On Balkan if "intervention squad" pull you over and you wore arrested for 2007 riots and as an ex con, they pull your pants down so you cant run during search even in broad daylight in front of your family and neighbors.They look like scared animals tho. Id even enjoy it if they would not manhandle my balls.


See my products
Oct 17, 2023
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Never keep your drugs in your private house. And for the lab always destroy everything to not create the image that it s a lab because you will get plus min 5 years extra when busted and to not spent a lot of money everytime buy only the things you can handle with Give up almost a half of thing that you don t neccesary need . I know that everybody would like to have a full lab and to don t improvise ,but this is more important to don t get caught. I use bottles to separate . Plastic glasses ,jars and lids .And if you have a magnetic stirrer be shure that is clean all the time (use something to cover 100% before start ,in this case it won t be neccesarry to clean every time ) and after you finnish break your flask and be shure that you thow in the trash never with the bag and take a heat rezistant kitchen pyrex and throw some nachos dip sauce or chocolate and put a new magnet and turn it on and leave the nachos or chocolate etc in that place to can tell them it s just a hot plate that i use in kitchen for other purpouse and never for drugs . Stay safe:) PS: be shure that your scale its big and could be used for more purpouse in house and keep it clean all the time (cover this one too and don t touch with dirty hands full of traces)