I don't know what type of solvent you are using, and therefore do t know if it is heavier or lighter than water, but it sounds to me like there is a good chance you contaminated your solvent with moisture from your gas bottle! Especially when using murriatic acid & aluminum foil to generate your hydrogen sulfide gas, much heat is also produced. This quickly heats up the acid solution in your gas bottle causing it to travel up the hose with the gas in the form of steam. The second this moisture hits your solvent, it absorbs any meth you have already precipitated out. THERE SHOULD NEVER BE ANYTHING AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR SOLVENT WHEN GASSING, BEFORE OR AFTER!! You can help assure no water droplets accidently come with the solvent when separating by pouring the solvent through a stack of several coffee filters. Then after verifying there are no dropletsfloating on top or on bottom of your solvent, you are prepared to gas. One way to help assure no moisture comes up your hose is to 1. Use Sulfuric acid and Rock Salt to generate your gas, as the reaction isn't as extreme and produces much less heat, or, if using murriatic acid(hydrochloric acid) and aluminum foil you can fill a large wide