Psychodelics and sex


Jun 24, 2021
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Psychodelics – group of substances which cause the changed conditions of consciousness change perception of the world around, can cause hallucinations. It is worth taking out sex under the influence of psychodelics a little in separate category, considering some features of their action. Chemical sex intoxicated of such substances will estimate not everyone and will be suitable not for each situation (set and setting should be observed during any psychodelic trip, independently, than you decided to be engaged at this time).

Key features of psychodelics:

1. The changed conditions of consciousness. Everyone uses them at discretion, but as practice shows, most users of this state doesn't take any practical value. In the sexual plan, this state can do more harm than advantage: any experiences in this state are very easily fixed and are capable to be reflected in further sexual life. It is very difficult to correct such violations then. But the changed conditions of consciousness, especially at once at couple, are capable to create very deep emotional proximity between people.

2. The changed perception. You begin to see the world differently, in other paints, in other appearance. You differently hear music and a voice. Furthermore, you can notice an aesthetics in ordinary things. In other words, it will allow you to see the partner/partner and sex in other light: to look in a new way at her body, in a new way to hear a voice, to feel pleasure from proximity as never felt. All feelings will be for you as if new, unusual, bright and colorful. Well, so will be if trip safely passes. During a bad trip, it is possible to get opposite feelings. Visual learners and hallucinations it is possible to carry here. If the first, are an integral part of effects of the majority of psychodelics, then the second, most often arise at the raised dosages or during a bad trip.

3. Empathy. Many psychedelics rather strong empathogens. For chemical sex, this moment in general positive. Only that fact that you can tell a lot of excess information to the person who is with you nearby can act as a negative factor. I strongly recommend accepting a psychodelics and to practice chemical sex under their action only with those people to whom you trust, before whom you are ready to reveal completely.

4. Unpredictability. Psychodelic trip isn't always predictable: there is no guarantee that your following experience will resemble the previous, even under similar conditions and at the use of an identical dosage. It creates additional risks, but such is the feature of effects of substances of this group.

Set and Setting

Action of psychodelic directly depends on internal state of the user. It is worth using these substances only in good and positive mood. It is worth avoiding the use during the difficult periods of life, during disturbing and stressful states. Apathy and the lowered mood are a contraindication too. In a condition of a trip it isn't recommended remembering the difficult periods of life, not to think of things which are alarming at you, fear or other negative emotions. Try to be given completely to effect of substance and just enjoy.

The use has to happen against the background of not only full psychoemotional wellbeing, but also wellbeing in the sphere of physical health. Diseases and injuries are capable to spoil trip, having strengthened the unpleasant feelings caused by various pathologies.

It is strictly forbidden to use a psychedelia to patients with mental disorders.The same can and be recommended to those whose close relatives suffer from mental diseases.

Your partner have to test the same. Watch one after another, don't allow to plunge each other into unpleasant memoirs and reflections on subjects which can cause concern and experiences.

Actually, with the majority of psychodelic to come into the necessary fortune, it is worth starting preliminary caress and/or sex right after intake of substance, without waiting as it will work. If the effect finds you during sex – certainly you will be ready for the necessary wave and trip will take place in the set direction. If not to make it – with high probability, you plunge in trip and to you, will be simply not before sex.

Being going to practice sex intoxicated of psychodelic, it is worth getting acquainted surely with these substances without sexual proximity. Understand how you are influenced by this substance, whether you are capable to control trip and what emotions you take from this. Otherwise, you considerably increase risk to get a psychological trauma on the sexual soil that can affect extremely negatively the subsequent sex life and the relations with the partner. It is essential, and in case of failure, will be to solve such problems very long and very difficult.

In addition to your mental and physical condition, the situation during the trip plays a significant role. It is worth observing several rules:
First, you must trust a partner enough to be positive towards this person. The presence of outsiders is excluded. There must be full confidence that you will not be disturbed by third parties. Given that we are talking about chemsex, the presence of a sitter, even close to you both, will not be appropriate.
Secondly, the environment should not cause negative emotions, you should feel comfortable in the place where your trip takes place. The environment must be familiar to both of you.
Thirdly, avoid activities that can cause anxiety. A terrible film or a sad song against the background can in this state switch your attention and even change the course of the trip.

General recommendations

Follow the dosage, use only the recommended methods of consumption, avoid dangerous combinations, as well as set and setting. It is worth considering that for sex it is worth taking a dosage that will be approximately 80% of the dosage, at which you have a comfortable trip. Among psychodelics, LSD25 and 2C-B are considered the most suitable for sex (Other members of the 2C- * family can also be considered suitable for this purpose). Psilocybin fungi and DMT cannot be called such because these substances are endowed with a deeper psychedelic effect, their use is associated with a much deeper and more powerful self-knowledge, and you will simply not be in this state before sex. At the exit, of course, you can get sexual experience, but if you take a passive role in this process, since you will not have a desire for active action.

Substances such as DOB, 25-NBOME, 25x-NBOH can pose a real danger to life during sex, so I categorically do not recommend experimenting with these substances.

I recommend to everyone who is going to consume psychodelics, regardless of the purpose, to stock up on a small amount of strong alcohol - if the trip goes in the wrong direction, take 50-70 ml of strong spirits and the condition will slowly stabilize.

Microdosing psychedelics is a very controversial issue. There are still many discussions on this topic. There have been some studies that may indicate some changes in the perception of subjects who practiced LSD microdosing, but there is no confirmed data on the effects of microdosing on sex life. If there are those among readers who have experienced this - give feedback in the comments.

I want to note that the sensations that you get during a psychological trip will be very different if you are engaged in various spiritual practices. Especially if you do it in a couple. In this case, psychodelics will help you in the way of knowing yourself and each other.
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