
  1. Rabidreject

    B-Nitrostyrene’s questions….

    Okay so I understand that 2c-h freebase is not stable and I am someone who is going through benzo withdrawals and so I will admit there can be some time between doing certain steps…. I have some 2,5-DMOBA and iv been gathering everything I need to turn it into 2c-h and then from there a whole...
  2. Evilcarrot2

    b-nitrostyrene to p2p? Please help

    Is it much work to get p2p from b-nitrostyrene? I made a bunch a while ago thinking it was nitroEthane (making p2np) but it turned out to be nitroMethane so got b-nitrostyrene, unfortunately I made a bunch like 750grams and it would kill me to throw it away. I would like to use it for...