drug checking

  1. 1019er

    checkIt! DRUG Checking ✔️ ✅️ 😏

    Hey, Let me introduce you to: https://checkit.wien It's an Austian Drug Checking Laboratory, which checks ALL Drugs! Its possible to bring different substances to different trst facilities (events, pharmacy, homebase lab) So if anybody is interested in getting his drugs tested in a...
  2. Chem-Safe

    TEDI’s methodological guidelines

    The members of Trans Euuropean Drug Information (TEDI) Network have collaborated to produce a document guiding organisations that are new to drug checking about the considerations that they would need to make about the following: Who the target audience should be How to reach the target...
  3. Chem-Safe


    WHAT WE NEED QUANTITIES NEEDED Type of sample Quantity required Comments Powders (rock, crystal, paste, etc.) 50 milligrams (0.05 grams) It is necessary to homogenize the sample(s) you want to analyze. That is, you must crush the crystals and rocks thoroughly. The powder should be stirred...
  4. Chem-Safe


    ABOUT THE SERVICE We offer a Drug Checking Service in order to inform the users about the composition of the drugs and therefore are in a position to advise them on the safest way to take the substance. We also offer customized, non-moralistic, and evidence-based drug information directed at...
  5. Chem-Safe


    We are having problems with the GM software, we hope to be able to solve it soon.
  6. Chem-Safe


    MDMA, amphetamine and cocaine markets in Spain (2022) Main Conclusions In general terms, it is confirmed that the Spanish markets for MDMA, amphetamine and cocaine reflect the global dynamics observed in other European countries, such as, for example, the increase in MDMA doses in tablets, the...