
  1. Haruwua

    How to extract iodine crystals from a povidone-iodine solution?

    Heyo! How do u extract iodine from an 11% povidone-iodine solution? I followed the guide for extracting iodine from an alcohol solution using a polyethylene plate and water but that didnt really work out. I do have some sodium hydroxide but i sadly dont have any hcl acid, nor any hydrogen...
  2. calmcatfather

    Extracting iodine from tincture 20 failures in 22 attempts

    I guess today is my problem day. I have been trying to extract iodine from tincture for about 4 days. I have tried 22 times and I was only successful in 2 random attempts and I did not write down these attempts. I will write down the methods I used and the materials I used. Instead of iodine...
  3. T

    Birch Reduction via Microwave Irradation - H3PO2/I

    I've read articles where hypophosphorous has been been used in Microwave irradiation, iodine too being used in Microwave environment so I was wondering does anyone have any information on a Microwave irradiation of a Birch Reduction using hypo, Iodine and Psuedoephadrine? Theoretically I...