
  1. Que!

    Libros para introducirse en Quimica Organica.

    Saludos. Neofito aunque aficionado a la Quimica abro este hilo para recursos didacticos para iniciarse en quimica Organica. Agregare un par de libros bastantes interesantes y recomendados por algun Quimico que estan por ahi divulgando. Estos dos los recomienda Breaking Vlad...
  2. btcboss2022

    Synths and processes with professional guidance step by step available.

    Mostly of my knowledge and experience with some synths and processes are shared detailed and posted simply to help other people and try to avoid them to make the same mistakes I did or lose the time I lost too hahaha Even that many people ask me about more info and more details offering me a...
  3. H

    Help to learn chemistry and Walt P2P Meth

    hello, I am new to this forum and chemistry, I would like to know what you need to study to learn and understand how to make your own formula to produce meth or better reproduce Walt's method, in order to have a pure and not poor product?
  4. R

    chemistry beginner

    Looking for a vendor 
    Have never had any knowledge of chemicals but I would like to start if anybody could help guide me I would appreciate and return a favor for a favor anything that comes from Mexico I can send if told on how to ship safely only... I only have experience with mules as of right now sorry....