
  1. GhostChemist

    Synthesis of N-formyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (Precursor for MDMA Synthesis)

    The reaction proceeds according to Scheme 1 Starting Reagents and Materials 24 g MDA (free base) 50-55 ml Formic acid ethyl ester (ethyl formate CAS 109-94-4) 100 ml flask Beakers Reflux condenser Heater with stir Synthesis Formic acid ethyl ester is added to the MDA free base in the...
  2. Irving Langmuir

    Possible one pot helionamide (α-Methyl-1,3-benzodixole-5-propanamide) synthesis:

    I have found several publications demonstrating the conversion of carbonyl to amide in “one pot”. First, the oxime is formed, then it is rearranged using various catalysts (ZnO, CuCl2, Cu(OAc)2...). The advantage of this approach is that the amide can be obtained in just a few hours, and two...
  3. P

    MDA from Helional through Scarecrows one-pot issues / help

    Hi! Attempts at the one-pot Helional to helionamide process, without successful results. Issues seem to be the same some people encountered, so if you can give some hindsight it’d be greatly appreciated: - 13,5g hidroxilamine are added to 175ml DMSO, heating and stirring until it’s dissolved...
  4. MDA Hydrochloride Purification

    MDA Hydrochloride Purification

    3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) Hydrochloride Purification.
  5. SoldadoDeDrogas

    MDMA Via Safrole+AlHg (captions) NOTE: This is not meant to be a complete set of instructions or a recipe to be followed. These are simply the words written out, presented for clarity and discussion. * -What kind of music do you like to listen to...
  6. MDA Hydrochloride Synthesis From Amine. Part 3 of 3.

    MDA Hydrochloride Synthesis From Amine. Part 3 of 3.

    MDA HCl Synthesis from α-Methyl-1,3-benzodixole-5-propanamide.
  7. MDA Synthesis. Part 2 of 3.

    MDA Synthesis. Part 2 of 3.

    MDA Synthesis. Preparation of α-Methyl-1,3-benzodixole-5-propanamide from α-Methyl-1,3-benzodixole-5-propanal Oxime.
  8. MDA Synthesis. Part 1 of 3.

    MDA Synthesis. Part 1 of 3.

    MDA Synthesis. Preparation of α-Methyl-1,3-benzodixole-5-propanal Oxime From Helional.
  9. Irving Langmuir

    [OTC] Synthesis of MDA from helional

    The aim of this post is to summarize several months of research and testing. It would be great if everyone could share their results and their thoughts in order to perfect this synthesis route. All the reagents I'll be using can probably be found in any hardware store, except for helional...
  10. fidelis

    carbamate route to mda/mdma

    haiii i havent seen this posted here yet. i stole it from the vespiary, so heres the original thread :3 (i added numbers to make things easier, lmk if i need to fix anything) There are some very promising, unexplored synthesis routes from alpha-methyl-3,4-methylenedioxypheny-propionamide to...
  11. M

    Piperonal to Isasfrol

    Hello, swim have Piperonal but no nitromethane so is ist Possible to reduce piperonal to Isosafrol just simple like fe/hcl? And the other question how can i make formamid from Urea (like Adblue)? Thank you have a nice day
  12. P

    Theoretical investigation: Baylis-Hillman PEA synthesis via Oxazolidone/Oxazolone intermediates

    Introduction: A certain vendor online (that shall not be named) appears to be suggesting a "novel" route to phenethylamines. The reaction from aldehyde to amine occurs in 3 distinct steps: 1) A Baylis-Hillman reaction is first used to couple an aryl aldehyde with acrylamide using a tertiary...
  13. T


    in the synthesis of piperonal and nitroethane, Could I replace it with nitromethane?
  14. C

    DMSO method

    I was reading the 1st edition of "Advanced Techniques of Clandestine Psychedelic & Amphetamine Manufacture" and I got to the chapter 16 which explains a rather simple method using dimethylsulfoxide, conc. sulfuric acid and NaBr/KBr to obtain bromosafrole in order to synthetize MDA/MDMA Has...
  15. C

    MDA synthesis reccomendation

    Greetings, fellow underground chemists I am looking for a reccomendation on how to make MDA from M.D.phenylacetone and ammonium formate Anybody knows a process to obtain a good yield without the use of chlorine gas? Should I follow one of the processes explained on the website? If yes, which...