please help

  1. P

    Psychoactive plants

    Hello! I need your help in acquiring psychoactive plant seeds. I am in Eurasia, yes, the very country where people drink vodka and dance with bears:devilish:. And I need your help in finding some list of psychoactive plants. Is there such a list? like, you know, it would be nice to buy...
  2. B

    need a guide to synthesize a cardiotoxic poison.

    Hello, i want to synthesize a poison to kill myself because i suffer too much and euthanasia is illegal in my country (medical issues) and because i'm a cardiac person i want to synthesize a cardiotoxic poison i thought about the digitalin, but i don't know how to extract it from the digitalis...
  3. Q

    Please help, is there any substitute for acetone during crystallization?

    There is no way to obtain acetone in our country, but you can buy acetone degumming agent with a purity of 80-85. Can acetone degluing agent replace acetone during crystallization? Or can other solvents replace acetone?