
  1. I

    anyone has synthesis for Lysergic acid diethylamide.

    I basically need a list of the necessary equipment, raw materials, exact measurements and steps to proceed I'm willing to attempt it atp
  2. B

    Question about the Synthesis of alpha-methyltryptamine using tryptophan

    I have an Idea of a possible Synthesis route of aMT using tryptophan as the starting material. I have looked for a synthesis like this on this forum, but I have not found anything, so if a question like this already exists I am very sorry. The synthesis i thought of is starting with the...
  3. D

    Questions Acerca envío de marihuana a europa

    Hola buenas tardes, hace tiempo que empezé a investigar por estos lares y estoy pensando en empezar a enviar paquetes a Europa con hash y flores. Mis dudas son acerca el envasado del product, tipo de dicoy, tema rayos xby el hacer los envíos de la manera más segura para ambas partes Gracias...
  4. Vince Gilligan JR

    Many questions about the synthesis of MDMA and other drugs by a beginner.

    Hello to you ! I've been browsing this site for a few days looking for knowledge and experience ! And I am really very happy to have found so much! So Thanks. For as much I always ask myself some question which could help other person who like me one can of experiment, are curious to learn. So...