Hello everybody I am new here. I'm not sure where to start and to be honest the only reason I'm searching for this is because a friend asked me if i knew how to make amphetamine (or as we European's like to reefer it to as " speed "). Any advice or tutorial of some sort is helpful and i will...
Extraction of Amides from Lysergic Acid: Start with Morning Glory national seeds, the young seeds of the Hawaiian wooden baby Rose, ergot cultured or naturally ergot compounds occurring.
NOTE: Morning glory seeds can be coated with a toxic chemical by the seed company in order to avoid...
I fail to see why I should pay about 1000$ for a hotplate/magnetic stirrer if the tech is so simple.
Is it possible to just throw a hotplate over a stirring plate (if the stirring plate is strong enough to keep rotating eg. 5cm distance). Im not sure if the magnetic field interfers in any way...
We'll consider mephedrone (4MMC) synthesis in this article. Dichloromethane (DCM) is used as a solvent. It has a low boiling point (~40 °C) and synthesis procedures take a little time.
Work conditions:
Air temperature 20-24 ºC;
Relative humidity <60%;
Well-ventilated room (with air...