best drugs for solo stuff?


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Mar 1, 2024
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title. very sorry if this doesnt belong here bc its not about sex, just masturbation but i find that amphetamines r the best. what do u guys think?


Jul 5, 2021
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It is better to find a partner for sex


Don't buy from me
Sep 28, 2023
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Quit this, the more you do stimfap the more you will destroy your sexual chemistry with possible partners, you will go down into a spiral of watching even more wicked porn because regular won't cut it, it will become weirder and weirder till the odds of finding a partner to be into what you dream of will be basically none. Oh and also, get yourself some shots of testosterone, the more drugs you do the lower your natural level will go, trust me about this.


Nov 23, 2021
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I think MDMA may be suitable for your purposes. This is the most optimal choice, taking into account a good safety profile, exciting and intense euphoria, as well as relatively low addictiveness while observing the rules of harm reduction.


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Sep 15, 2023
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Yeah I would say amphetamines. A couple pressed adderal could get me going for sure


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Mar 1, 2024
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ive only ever done pharma shi cuz i used to buy from a friend with a script but hes gonna be in the mental hospital for a long time. i miss addies so much its not even funny, literally havent taken amphetamine in like a year (before he got sent off he got his script changed to mph but he told me hes gonna get it changed back once he gets out)
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Nov 16, 2023
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I agree with @Vasile - if you were a little weird before, hell, we all are..., stims will definitely put you on the quick route to becoming even more perverse and degenerate and you are probably going to go past the point of no return into obsessing over some messed up, freaky, nasty stuff and make you real lonely unless you know a soul for sale or someone very patient and understanding that really loves you, lol. People IRL often don't believe me when I tell them that I have practiced being abstinent for long periods of time, outside of prison, by choice, (not that I feel that it needs mentioning but just in case there is any confusion.) In other words, I am straight, very basic, traditional, wholesome - what do they call it, "vanilla?" Basically, no kink. It only gets plain and boring for me if it is meaningless and with someone I don't have feelings for, I've had my share and now I try to avoid it. I have had to work at this for some time, to learn about myself and then reel it back in and deal with it. I've had the option right in front of me and have declined it, at least a few times, even after several years of being 'celibate'. When is it ever fun or easy to intentionally block yourself and leave some decent pieces of 'option' for the next guy. Just to prove and solidify your self control and willpower to yourself - and maybe someone else trying to play ya like a chump. Warning - they may not take it too well, when they realize they are the chumpette, so be prepared for a potential melt down, when they go from wanting to tug you off to wanting to cut it off! :O

I chose to do that spiritual type of work with myself because I was starting to catch myself going down that perverted, sad and pathetic road @Vasile is talking about and some of us know all too well. I feel I probably wouldn't be able to respect myself anymore, frankly, if I had. Who knows where the hell I'd be at this point... The intention was to make myself pure again in a sense, and work on myself as a human and potential husband/father. I stopped masturbating and watching porn for years. I know it is different for women, but for men, when you don't 'discharge' your essence, and instead transmute and store that energy throughout the rest of your body in various ways using Qi Gong techniques, for example, or into something productive outside of your body, such as a project for example - writing a book or making music. This is an esoteric form of what they call 'alchemy' that they won't teach you about in school.

Anyway, as far as the subject at hand. Sniffing some good coke with a cuddle buddy was always a great way to spend a night/early morning, once in a while some good crack worked, usually not though. The right dose of meth, I think, is probably the best all around. You don't want to take too much though and be a little too geeked and waste your time trying to make something happen that just wasn't meant to be. Amphetamine might be OK in this context, adderall doesn't do much for me. Methylphenidate is good - similar to coke. I've never had the opportunity with MDMA/MDA but I can imagine that it would be fantastic with the right partner. Acid is pretty awesome as far as sex goes, mushrooms too. I used to shoot up something sold as 'molly' - holy scheisse! I'm not sure what it was exactly - methylone/ethylone, but slam a .3 of that and you would be ripping your clothes off and dumping a cup of water over your head trying to keep yourself from finishing before you started. It was very intense, euphoric and magical and insanely aphrodisiac like MDMA for around 30 minutes for the first 2 shots. The 3rd shot would be much less stimulating and euphoric and the 'magic' sensation was about gone, but sometimes you need that third or even fourth one. After that you we're pretty much done with it until you slept a night or two and recharged your serotonin.
....Well, there's my two cents... I just want to add that @HIGGS BOSSON nailed this thread: sex is best with a partner... in any case, sex by yourself is probably still better than masturbating, I haven't figured that one out myself yet.


Don't buy from me
Mar 1, 2024
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damn, youre really fucking intelligent. personally i dont use porn because it just makes me feel gross/lonely but ive done it before when ive been too stimmed to care. i try to keep masturbation (especially sober) to a minimum just because i know from experience how easy it is to let it take over your life. its not fun. also i have a deep respect for vanilla mfs. ive realized that like in theory im into freaky shit but once im actually in the bedroom with someone i tend to focus on intimacy and connection. i think i could only do the seriously degenerate stuff with someone i dont care about at all and at that point whats the point of having sex with them? im not abstinent but ill only fuck someone if i really care about them/theres a genuine connection. modern hook up culture makes me want to kms. i cant do fwb either. tried it once, made me go literally insane. i need love or i need to be alone.

im not big on masturbation but i made this thread because ive never had any experiences with another person while on drugs. never found anyone irl whos down. if could find someone i would definitely do it with molly tho. when alone, coke doesnt do much sexually but i only take a lot at once so idk, mph is very fun but doesnt last long enough, amphetamine is fun and lasts long but its easy to overstimulate yourself, i tried stuff with tramadol once and its supposed to kill your sex drive but didnt for me. it was really fun, almost as fun as amphetamine, but i dont think most people will agree. ive never done anything with psychs because i just dont think about sex at all when im on them. and i agree wth you and higgs bosson, sex is much better with a partner, but thats not always available when youre looking for something other than a one night stand lol


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Dec 21, 2023
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as long as you feel safe and do it intelligently you may push forward an may breakthrough to another dimension if you want too see through the cloak into what's beyond and update yourself while having lost of ecstatic feelings hippie style and bond together in orgies and you may find the love of your life partner to break on the final frontier to explore more. Just don't get addicted but in chemsex more stronger mixier is mostly needed for more developmental experience.If you dare to rise above dull sex life and relations. Well executed chemsex have no limits of the strongest transforming extacy so do it to not miss out because you age and die but now you can do it