Enantiomers And variance of effects associated with MDMA?


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Aug 9, 2022
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As I understand to deal with 3,4 MDMA there are two stereoisomers that exist; the S and R varieties of which the R enantiomer is the only variety which is presented to have an understood physiological effect, or at least is only documented as far as I am able to find publication on. The main difference that I find to be pretty interesting is the lack of dyskinesia that presents in high doses in the R type, which I myself have fallen victim of during nights of overuse and personally it can be pretty difficult to get rid of until at least the experience is over. The involuntary head movement and rocking/swaying coupled with the near-cataplexy effectively ruins the entire night of one overindulges.

Naturally, one might suggest to not be a total idiot and take an appropriate dose or to moderate your initial and re-doses; but after doing some research it did make me curious if anyone has been able to entirely isolate the two constituents of the racemic mixtures that are created after the synthesis or perhaps if this entire supposed effect is pure speculation.

if the isolation of the two is possible, has anyone documented the effects of each? Any insight on the hypothetical approach to doing so, if not, perhaps any other chiral centers or isomeric structures that may be considered to obtain more therapeutic properties of this compound? Perhaps an alternative suggestion could be the scarcely documented 2.3 MDMA or other similar structures of the same compound?


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Aug 9, 2022
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Disclaimer:I am effectively an invalid and incapable of the most basic things in chemistry without a plain-text recipe; but i do however feel like I pose an interesting question, well, as much of one as I can given that I have the ability and knowledge of a head of rotten cabbage; maybe someone could indulge me just for the sake of curiosity. Or, alternatively if I’ve asked a ridiculous question in an absurdly long and detailed way, by all means, feel free to say so below and send me hate mail via pm, whatever may come I certainly welcome it! 😬🫡