How can i extract potassium iodide from pills


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Nov 11, 2023
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how can i extract potassium iodide from pills to get iodine crystals


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Jan 18, 2024
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Potassium iodide (KI) is a compound commonly found in iodine supplements and medication used to treat conditions related to iodine deficiency or to protect the thyroid gland from radioactive iodine exposure. Extracting potassium iodide from pills or tablets involves dissolving the compound in water and separating it from other ingredients present in the pills.

Here's a general procedure for extracting potassium iodide from pills:

First, Start by crushing the potassium iodide pills or tablets into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle or a pill crusher. Ensure that the pills are thoroughly crushed to maximize the surface area for dissolution.

Second: Dissolve in water by - Transfering the crushed pills into a clean container and add distilled water to dissolve the potassium iodide. The amount of water needed depends on the quantity of pills being extracted. Stir the mixture thoroughly to facilitate dissolution.
  1. Filtrate: After the potassium iodide has fully dissolved, filter the solution to remove insoluble impurities and undissolved pill components. You can use filter paper in a funnel or a fine mesh sieve to perform the filtration. This step helps clarify the solution and remove any solid particles.
  2. Evaporate: Once the solution is filtered, you can evaporate the water to concentrate the potassium iodide. This can be done by gently heating the solution in a clean container over low heat or by allowing it to evaporate naturally at room temperature. Ensure proper ventilation during evaporation to prevent inhalation of iodine vapors.
  3. Crystalize: As the water evaporates, potassium iodide crystals will begin to form in the container. Allow the solution to cool and continue evaporating until crystallization is complete. You can collect the potassium iodide crystals by carefully scraping them from the container using a clean spatula or by pouring off any remaining liquid.
  4. Dry: Once the potassium iodide crystals are collected, allow them to air dry on a clean surface to remove any residual moisture. Ensure that the crystals are completely dry before storing or using them.