Need informations on NEP


Don't buy from me
Jul 23, 2022
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Hello fellow chemists and scientists.

I am curently experimenting on myself and with the help of some friends and volunteers some RCS i bought from people on this website. The reason for that is that i crave knowledge and for someone like me, the RCs scene is absolutely fascinating.
As i started to go further than synthetic cannabinoids and tasted some sweet NEP, i tried to gather knowledge on this product (no recipe, no chemical binds schem or anything i don't want it as i don't plan on product nor sell, i understand the people who has those informations can prefer to keep it for themselves, i just want data).

It was at this moment that it struck me, there is so few informations on certain RCs (including this one) that the Idea of documenting it myself grew on my mind, and that's what i started to do. I curently have a document with all the informations on dosages, tolerance, effects on short and long terms, safety rules all of this in 2 ROA, snorting and smoking (only foil, i need data for vaping nep). I will not put this document here as for now i want it to be the most precise and complete it can be. And i feel like i'ts not.

This is why i ask for your help today.
If you have any experience with this product or informations like the way it affects your body and mind or anything (again no recipe and stuff) feel free to share it here or in private, everything you can think of. Even the most insignificant detail could help. Same goes if you can provide a trip report, i would be really thankfull as these are a real gold mine of informations.
All of this is for educational purposes obviously.

I hope to get some answers and i will surely post the document when i'm happy with it. If this is conclusive i plan on making this with other non very-well know RCs too, this is a first.

Have a nice day :)


Don't buy from me
May 14, 2023
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My last consume was a few years ago, but I can remember this substance quite vividly:
  • Effects: Physical and mental stimulation (comparable to amphetamines) , enhanced music appreciation, ego boost and strong euphoria similar to cocaine in nature of effects, but also very light empathogenic effect, has kind of a 'friendlier' and less aggressive vibe than coke and most of the other pyrovalerones,
  • It subjectively influences both dopamine and serotonin levels quite drastically, although no real crash as with other strongly euphoretic uppers could be observed
  • Side effects: heart racing, increased blood pressure, paranoia, confusion, anxiety, hallucinations, difficulties with sleeping and eating, bruxism, elevated temperature, compulsive redosing/craving/mental dependence
  • There is definitely craving but it's weaker/less extreme and fiendish compared to other drugs from this substance class, in other words: it can somehow be controlled
  • Dosage (insuflated): 10-30 mg without tolerance
  • duration of the experience without redosing: roughly 1 1/2 - 2 hours, comedown much longer if used with heavy dosing / redosing
  • In contrast to the very nearly related and chemivally almost identical NEH and some other potent pyrovalerones, redosing does bring the initial rush and effects back, without ending as a mental and physical wreck, no shivering, extremely pale or blue skin from horrendous vasoconstriction, and no mental state between braindead and extreme paranoia after the first or second redose
  • Drastical differences in effects from vendor to vendor and also from batch to batch

Hope I can help you out with your research! :)


Don't buy from me
Jul 23, 2022
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Thanks a lot I'm really thanksfull.
There is a lot a things you said I did not know about nor felt/experienced by myself, this will sure contribute a lot (especially the craving part i thought it was only me. My friends can't fight against craving). As for the shivering (same goes for shaking) I've never seen that. From the 3rd hit of the day my body is constantly shaking is it normal ? If it's not too much to ask I would like to know if you remember any memorable experience with this product and if yes are you okay to share it ?