Removal of mercury from the body (Chelation)


Jul 5, 2021
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The synthesis of amphetamines via mercury amalgamma, as well as the use of these substances, is associated with risks of mercury accumulation in the body. Elemental mercury is toxic to the central and peripheral nervous system. Inhalation of mercury vapor can have harmful effects on the nervous, digestive and immune systems, lungs and kidneys and can lead to death. Inorganic salts of mercury have a corrosive effect on the skin, eyes and gastrointestinal tract and can lead to intoxication of the kidneys when swallowed. Neurological and behavioral disorders can occur after inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact with various mercury compounds. Symptoms include tremors, insomnia, memory loss, neuromuscular disorders, headaches, and cognitive and motor dysfunction.

To determine the contamination of the body with mercury, there are special laboratory tests for the following biological samples. Whole blood is the recommended material for assessing methylmercury poisoning. Urine is a recommended material for assessing exposure to inorganic mercury. Hair is used to retrospectively assess the effects of mercury on the body over a long previous period. Contrary to popular belief, none of the existing methods of detecting mercury in the body (blood, urine, hair) can directly answer the question "what is the current amount of deposited mercury in my body?" Blood and urine will show the presence of mercury that is "in motion" and in the process of withdrawal from the body, which will only indicate recent poisoning. Intoxications that occurred some time ago in these analyzes will not be visible, since not excreted mercury is deposited by the human body in the least "mobile" tissues - bone and fat. By itself, the absolute value of the mercury level in the hair analysis is not fully representative.

In any case, when working with mercury and its salts, I recommend carrying out procedures for its removal.

Chelation (sometimes the term "chelation" can also be found) is a chemical reaction in which an organic compound of a certain type, which is called a chelating agent or chelate, is combined with a metal ion by forming a coordinate bond with one or two atoms of an organic compound.
In fact, this process is the "binding" of chelates with heavy metal ions (for example, mercury), each molecule of the chelate (from the Latin chela - claw) with its "claws" captures the detected ions of heavy metal and follows with them through the systems for removing toxins from the body for such a time as the process of chelate decay takes. This is fundamentally important, and many existing protocols do not take into account this factor – the factor that each particular chelate has a certain number of hours of action, after which the bundle with the metal ion disintegrates and this released ion is mobilized again and reabsorbed by new tissue, including the brain, causing repeated poisoning. This phenomenon is called "redistribution", which is dangerous, since mercury deposited before in adipose tissues or bones again appears in the blood and lymph, which means that it is transferred to new tissues, forming new lesions. Taking into account the factor of the decay time of each particular chelate, this does not happen, since the schedule for taking chelates is calculated in such a way as to ensure the necessary continuous flow of chelates for each session so that the "bound" metals reach the finish line and leave the body with urine, feces or bile, and not remain in "free float".

Oral chelation implies, as the name implies, the use of chelates through the gastrointestinal tract in the form of capsules, tablets or powder dissolved in liquid.
Under conditions of optimal health, the human body uses its own glutathione reserves in order to detoxify and remove small amounts of mercury entering our body through "natural" pathways (fish and other products containing methyl-mercury). However, at the slightest disturbance of the detoxification processes in the body (caused by an increased load on the body in the form of diseases, toxic substances or stress), this mechanism ceases to work effectively, eventually leading to the accumulation of toxins and concomitant pathologies. Mercury in our body has a cumulative effect, as it is not excreted easily by the natural mechanisms of the body, especially for brain tissue. Mercury is the only heavy metal whose ions are able to cross the blood-brain barrier, which makes mercury especially dangerous for the central nervous system and brain, causing pathologies of a neurological nature.

In this regard, the correct technique of chelation by the oral route is an indispensable way to remove accumulated heavy metals from the body, which radically affects the state and functioning of all organs in our body. Metal ions "bound" in the process of chelation are excreted by the kidneys (urine) and / or gastrointestinal tract (biliary tract of the liver + feces).

"True" chelates are determined by the presence of 2 thiol groups in them. Many doctors practice the use of organic substances such as chlorella, cysteine, glutathione, etc. to remove metals from the body, but these substances are not "true" chelates in the chemical sense of the term, since they do not contain 2 or more "binding" (dithiole) groups. On the contrary, they contain only one thiol group, which means that their ability to "bind" metal ions is incomplete and in reality they simply "knock out" these ions from their current location in the tissues, but do not transport these ions further until they are completely eliminated from the body, resulting in the "redistribution" described above.

The Oral Cheliation Protocol is a recognized, authoritative method for getting rid of mercury intoxication. Dr. E. Cutler is a doctor of chemical sciences, who himself suffered from mercury poisoning and only through the development of his own detoxification method was able to safely cope with this problem, putting at the forefront the verified hourly schedule of oral administration of chelates in low doses, which takes into account the decay time of these drugs.

The essence of the protocol is the oral administration of small doses of chelates with equal intervals (day and night) during each "round" - an average of 72 hours (but not less than 64!), that is, 3 days. Such a schedule helps to SAFELY remove mercury and / or other metals from the body due to the fact that the level of chelates in the blood during the round is maintained constant and minimally sufficient - this allows not only to bind metal ions and bring them back into a mobile state, but also to be finally removed through detoxification pathways. These important periods of chelate breakdown are 4 hours for DMSA, 3 hours for ALA, and 8 hours for DMPS (it will be mentioned later that in the case of accelerated metabolic function, some people need to reduce these intervals by 30-45 minutes).

ALA -Alpha Lipoic Acid;
DMSA -Dimercaptosuccinic Acid;
DMPS -DimercaptoPropane Sulfonic Acid;
EDTA -Еthylenediamine tetraacetic acid.

DMSA and DMPS remove the mercury contained in the body and can therefore be used relatively soon after getting rid of the source of poisoning. ALA removes mercury from brain tissue and internal organs, as it is the only chelate that crosses the hemoto-encephalic barrier. It is important to understand that ALA can both remove mercury from the brain and transport it there in the process of redistribution, so improper use of this chelate (irregular receptions at too long intervals and in large doses, that is, without taking into account the half-life of the substance) will lead to the ingress of mercury ions into the brain. ALA and DMSA have a synergistic effect (complement each other), so they are recommended for use together. DMSA also minimizes the possible side effects of ALA.

DMSA does not cross the blood-brain barrier in any clinically significant volumes and removes only mercury outside the cells. The half-life of DMSA is 4 hours. DMSA is recommended as an initial chelate in order to reduce the total level of mercury in the blood and body before starting to remove mercury from the brain using ALA, the introduction of which is not recommended too early in the initial stages of chelation. Many need to start with very small doses of DMSA and stick to them for quite some time in order to make sure that the body copes with the detox function correctly. Only after that, you can increase the dose of chelates in the same round, adding ALA to it. This initial period of low doses in some takes up to a year, and in some cases the body's reaction to the subsequent addition of ALA chelate to the protocol means that it will not be possible to use it at all.

It is recommended to do at least 3-4 rounds with DMSA in small doses before increasing the dose or adding ALA. Since each of the chelates is added separately, it will not be difficult to determine the cause of the side effects that have arisen, if any. DMSA does not contain sulfates, its molecule is based on succinic acid. DMSA is a synthetic drug, while ALA is an organic substance that exists in our body and in nature. Both chelates release and bind heavy metals from tissues, which means that substantial doses of antioxidants must be taken to support detoxification processes. DMSA mitigates the side effects of ALA, especially for those in whom mercury poisoning has affected brain tissue rather than the body to a greater extent. Any chelate in the beginning exacerbates existing symptoms, and therefore it is necessary to start with very small doses and carefully observing any changes in your condition.
Adults can start with a dose of 12.5 mg and gradually increase it after a few rounds. Some believe that DMSA causes them an allergic reaction, but in reality the problem lies either in the wrong (too large) dose, or in the wrong chelation schedule. If there are side effects at a dose of 12.5 mg, you can reduce the dose to 5 mg. However, there is a possibility that, regardless of the dose, your body will not respond well to this particular chelate. It is important to remember here that DMSA is excreted from the body through the kidneys, so this detoxification channel must work efficiently and be supported by appropriate vitamins and dietary supplements.

ALA is an alpha lipoic acid (organic compound). ALA is the most important of all the drugs needed for successful chelation. As mentioned above, ALA binds mercury (as well as arsenic), both inside and outside cells, in the body and in the brain. DMSA and DMPS are secondary chelates that help smooth out the side effects of released mercury in the blood and promote the excretion of the toxic substance through the extra urethra. ALA is a disulfide that dissolves both in water and in lipoid compounds (fats), as a result of which it has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, removing mercury from the brain and organs. This is the only chelate that can be used alone and successfully remove all mercury from the body. The half-life of ALA is three hours.

For adults, it is recommended to start chelation with ALA with small doses of 12.5 mg to minimize the load on the body, as well as to introduce its use after 2-3 months of chelation with DMSA. ALA can have side effects for people with high levels of intoxication, and in these cases, it is necessary to reduce the dose to 6.25 mg or less. The maximum dose of ALA per day is about 1200 mg in total for 24 hours, but this limit is associated with an extremely heavy load on the body, and it can only be reached by a long and gradual increase in the dose. For many, this progression takes several years. Higher doses do produce more radical results in a good way, but safety considerations dictate the need for a very progressive movement from round to round.

Unlike DMSA, ALA is not well tolerated by everyone, since with the help of this chelate mercury deposited in brain tissue and intracellular deposits are mobilized. Therefore, it is difficult to expect a completely asymptomatic chelation process with ALA, especially on the first day after the end of the round, when the weak process of internal mercury redistribution continues. The most common side effect is increased fatigue. If the symptoms of detoxification become too uncomfortable, it is worth reducing the dose in subsequent rounds.

DMPS is used to chelate mercury, but also removes arsenic from the body. Also, like DMSA, it removes mercury located in the intercellular space throughout the body, with the exception of systems protected by the blood-brain barrier (brain, organs). The half-life is 6-8 hours, depending on the rate of individual metabolism. DMPS is a strong chelate that is especially useful during periods of acute intoxication. This is a synthetic compound created in the laboratory. If used at the wrong intervals and in excessive doses, too much mercury will be "dumped" on the liver and kidneys, leading to damage to these organs, especially if they do not initially work 100%. As already emphasized, you should never take DMPS or any other chelate intravenously. However, when taken orally and in the right doses, this drug is highly effective, especially for those who for some reason cannot take DMSA and ALA.

Basically, most do without DMPS, using only DMSA and ALA. However, if it is not possible to take DMSA, you can take DMPS in frequent and small doses, and subsequently add ALA.

ORAL MERCURY CHELATION: PROCEDURE A brief description of the oral chelation procedure, according to the principles of the protocol Andrew Cutler, Ph.D.

1. You can start the 1st round of chelation with 12.5 mg of DMSA. Take 12.5 mg every 4 hours, including waking up at night !!!! If you are an hour late with the dose - stop the round and wait three days before starting the round again. The level of chelate in the blood drops too much since taking the last dose, causing a large redistribution of mercury. If any side effects occur, you should monitor them and, if the effect is too strong - stop, wait a few days and start with a lower dose, for example, 10 mg or 6 mg. On the other hand, if you have strong side effects (obvious fatigue is the most common), you can increase the frequency of dosing, for example, taking a dose every 3 hours instead of 4x. Some people absorb chelates faster (accelerated metabolism) and they need to take the drug more often to avoid a drop in the level of chelate in the blood.

2. Make sure that you have studied the possible difficulties in the work of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland, which often manifest themselves in the early stage of chelation. It is best to prevent their occurrence before chelation begins by starting appropriate support.

3. A round is considered to be taking chelate for 3 days and 3-4 without it, in the future you can increase the number of days of taking chelate, as soon as you gain the necessary experience and feel comfortable with this process. The usual chelation schedule for DMSA is 7 a.m. – 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. – 7 p.m. – 11 p.m. and 3 a.m.

4. If there are no side effects after the start of the round or there are tolerable side effects, wait three or four days before starting round 2 DMSA 12.5 mg.

5. If there are no side effects or there are tolerable side effects, then do another round of DMSA 12.5 mg.

6. After a successful first two rounds, you can continue a few more rounds of DMSA with the current dose and then increase the dosage SLOWLY. It is best to do 3-4 rounds of a certain dose before increasing it. The increase in dosage should be no more than 50% of the current dose. For example, do not double the dose, as the jump from 12.5 mg to 25 mg is too large. This progressive dose increase is highly recommended before ALA supplementation. DMSA will reduce the total amount of intercellular mercury in the body, which is optimal before you start removing it from the brain and internal organs with ALA.

7. Remember that ALA can only be started three months after mercury contact has been eliminated. In case of contact, chelation is only possible using DMSA until 3 months have elapsed.

8. When you are ready to increase the dose of DMSA, increase it to 17.5 mg for 4 rounds and see how you feel at this higher dose. If you feel unwell at a high dose, find a lower dose that works for you and take it for a longer time.

9. After you have done 3-4 rounds of DMSA of 25 mg, and have not noticed any significant side effects, try adding ALA 12.5 mg to each dose of DMSA. For now, it will be necessary to change your chelation schedule to take DMSA along with ALA every 3 hours, including waking up at night to account for the half-life of ALA. It is possible to take the combination of ALA / DMSA at night not every 3, but 4 hours, for the sake of longer periods of sleep, but it will be necessary to return to taking the combination of chelate every 3 hours during the day. If you are one hour late with the dose - as already indicated, stop the round and wait three days to start again. Watch for side effectsб especially carefully after adding ALA, if they are too strong - stop the round and reduce the dosage in the next. If you have very strong side effects, you may need to do more rounds of DMSA alone to remove the mercury that ALA has removed from your cells.

10. When using ALA and DMSA together, you can start only with DMSA on the first day or the first few doses, before adding ALA for 3 full days. At the end of the three-day round of ALA, continue only the DMSA. This has the effect of reducing side effects from ALA. IMPORTANT: ALA supplementation for some people with acute mercury poisoning is difficult as mercury begins to move from the brain to the internal organs. ALA usually produces more side effects the day after the round stops. You may need to spend much longer on rounds with ONLY DMSA, or reduce the dosage of ALA – for example, 3 mg.

11. Continue with 25 mg of DMSA and ALA 12.5 mg for 3-4 rounds or longer. Then increase the doses of DMSA or ALA, respectively. It is recommended to increase the dosage of only one chelate at a time to know which one is causing problems if they occur. For example, increase to 30 mg of DMSA and ALA, 12.5 mg, or increase to 25 mg of DMSA and 17.5 mg of ALA.

12. It is generally best to continue using safe doses for some time before increasing them. When you find one that doesn't cause severe side effects, take it for a long time. If problems arise, you should go back to the previous controlled dose and stick to it for a few more rounds. You should feel a little better during or after the round. If you do not feel better, then you need to reduce the dose.

13. Over time, you will be able to increase the number of round days if/when the side effects stabilize, especially if you feel well during the rounds. This is recommended only after you have become somewhat experienced in the oral chelation protocol and only when using DMSA or DMPS separately. It is not recommended taking ALA for longer than 3 days. The break after a round of any length should be no less than the round itself. It is usually recommended not to do rounds lasting more than 2 weeks, but most cannot do too long rounds anyway due to lack of sleep due to its interruption.

14. If you feel much better during the rounds, you can extend the round for a few more days and see how you feel. Long rounds remove more mercury and cause less mercury redistribution. We remind you that longer rounds are only recommended for those who feel significantly better during the round. Those who experience significant side effects during a round should take a break for as long as the round lasted. If you feel much better during a round with DMSA during this increased time, but need to stop due to lack of sleep, etc., then you should wait the same amount of time before starting again. Most people can't do a longer round. This is especially true when you add ALA and dosage every 3 hours or more. But with a DMPS that is taken every 8 hours (due to its longer half-life), it's possible to do longer rounds or even continuous ones, as you won't have to wake up to take doses in the middle of the night.

15. ALA excretes less copper during rounds, which causes problems in the long run (especially for people who have copper poisoning), so the days between rounds are very important for most to provide balance to your body.

16. Oral chelation should continue for another 6-12 months AFTER you believe you have recovered. Some need a period of 3-5 years. As Dr. Cutler says, "Cheliru, Cheliru, and then some more." You'll realize that your mercury intoxication has been successfully cured when you can painlessly take high doses of chelates (such as 200 mg) without any side effects. And even in this case, it is recommended to wait a few months and do another 1-2 rounds of a lower dose to make sure for sure.

REMEMBER: Increasing the dose too quickly/abruptly is one of the most common "ways" to get trouble with this protocol. Chelation is a slow process, you should not speed it up faster than your body can handle the load.

A complete summary of all the essential vitamins and minerals that the body needs during mercury chelation is given in Dr. Cutler's book – Amalgam Illness diagnosis and treatment.

• VITAMIN B COMPLEX (the right form) – It is important to take regularly to maintain the necessary level in the blood.
• VITAMIN C – The preferred form is the natural form of vitamin C, not ascorbic acid.
• VITAMIN E – This is a fat-soluble vitamin, IT IS VERY IMPORTANT. Vitamin E is the strongest antioxidant and, along with vitamin C, will make up for any oxidative effect of mercury on cells.
• MAGNESIUM – Take in highly absorbable forms such as citrate, malate or glycinate, as well as orotate or protein chelate. Those who have a deficiency of the adrenal glands should avoid using a form of magnesium oxide, as this form lowers the acidity of the stomach. Magnesium is one of the vitamins that is required in fairly large doses for people suffering from heavy metal intoxication. You can also take it in the form of sulfuric acid magnesium of the pharmacological category (magnesium sulfate, pharmaceutical grade Epsom Salts). IMPORTANT: It is not recommended taking magnesium sulfate in combination with calcium in any form, as this leads to the emergence of an indigestible secondary substance.
• ZINC – Take in uniform doses at regular intervals (especially important for people with elevated copper deposits).
• FISH OIL (natural, 100% organic, it is a natural vitamin D) – cod liver oil of the pharmacological category. It is IMPORTANT to make sure in advance that there is no sensitivity to cod at the level of antibodies IgG, IgE, otherwise it will cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract and immunity. This rule applies to all drugs of natural origin of the food category.
• VITAMIN A - 5 times the daily recommended dose, you can use fish oil.
• FLAXSEED OIL – It is recommended to balance with the intake of borage oil. In the presence of allergies - flaxseed oil is a good antihistamine. • Yarrow - support for liver function, a capsule with each of the main meals.
• Yarrow - support for liver function, a capsule with each of the main meals.
• SULFATES – it is very good to take daily baths with magnesium sulfate (EPSOM SALT BATHS), if it does not cause side symptoms. You can also take Glucosamine at a dosage of 1500 mg per day.
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