Rhodium's Chemistry Archive (Erowid)


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Feb 2, 2024
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Here I gathered for you all 1011 links from the well-known Rhodium's chemistry archive in more compact and readable view.
Although this year it become already 20 years old and some of the links/methods are invalid/outdated, it still remains the source of usefull information in our field, especcially for beginners.


· Reductive amination of MDP2P with NaBH4
· MDA by reductive amination with Sodium Cyanoborohydride
· Al/Hg reductive amination of MDP2P using nitromethane as methylamine source [Pictures]
· Preparation of Aluminum Amalgam
· Osmium's variation of the Al/Hg reductive amination of MDP2P
· MDP2P/Methylamine reductive amination Osmium/BrightStar Style
· Impurities detected in MDMA made by Al/Hg Reductive Amination
· Catalytic hydrogenation of MDP2P/Methylamine to MDMA
· Reductive amination with NaBH4 and titanium(IV)isopropoxide
· Reductive amination with NaBH4, titanium(IV)isopropoxide and methanolic methylamine
· Reductive Amination of Ketones to Primary Amines using NH4Cl/NaBH4
· Reduction of Oximes and Phenylacetonitriles with ZrCl4/NaBH4
· MDA from MDP2P via the oxime, reduced by sodium metal
· MDA by Al/Hg reduction of MDP2P oxime in acidic EtOH
· MDMA and MDA via the Leuckart reaction
· MDE synthesis via reductive amination with nitroethane
· MDE synthesis via reductive amination with ethylamine
· Sodium Dithionite for the Reduction of Imines and Cleavage of Oximes
· Electrochemical Reductive Amination Method
· Electrochemical Reductive Amination of P2P's over a Mercury Cathode (PDF)
· Reductive Amination with Sodium Triacetoxyborohydride (PDF)
· Reductive amination using metallic magnesium
· Reductive amination of ketones using Pd/C and formic acid (PDF)
· Synthesis of Secondary Amines - A Review
· Aqueous NaBH4 Reductive Amination of Phenylacetones
· Hydrogenation of imines (DjVu)
· Reductive Amination Using Potassium Formate and Palladium Acetate (PDF)
· Reductive Amination using Borohydride Exchange Resin (BER)
· Methylation of Amines with NaBH4 and ZnCl2 in DCM


· Crystal Creations (Archived Website Snapshot)
· Worlock's Meth Synthesis Page (Archived Website Snapshot)
· Resolution of Racemic Amphetamines into d- and l-Amphetamines
· Methamphetamine and P2P from phenylacetaldehyde
· Notes on the synthesis of chloroephedrine and reduction to methamphetamine
· Chloroephedrine Reduction to Methamphetamine
· Synthesis of phenylpropanolamine (PPA)
· CTH reduction of Phenyl-2-Nitropropene to Amphetamine
· Uncle Fester's Electroreduction of (pseudo)Ephedrine
· Phosphoramidomercuration of allylbenzene to give amphetamine
· Syntheses of Amphetamine and Methamphetamine
· A review of amphetamine and methamphetamine reduction methods
· The Clandestine Drug Laboratory Situation in the United States 1978-81
· Reductive amination overview with references
· Reductive alkylation overview with references
· Methamphetamine from P2P with NaBH4
· Al/Hg reductive amination under pressure
· Large scale meth production via catalytic hydrogenation
· Preparation of amphetamine phosphate (electrolytic reduction of phenylnitropropene)
· One Pot Amphetamine synth from BzCN, MeI and NaBH4
· Amphetamine from P2NP using Urushibara Nickel (NiCl2/Al)
· Meth from Benzylmagnesium chloride alkylation of acetaldehyde methylimine
· Methamphetamine from Phenyl-2-Propanone
· Methamphetamines from Amphetamines
· Synthesis of Allylbenzene from Cinnamaldehyde
· Synthesis of Benzyl Chloride
· Synthesis of Benzyl Cyanide
· Synthesis of Phenylacetic acid
· Allylbenzene - PhMgBr/CuI/Allylbromide
· PTC Willgerodt synthesis of Phenylacetic acids from Acetophenones
· Synthesis of Phenyl-2-nitropropene
· Comprehensive Leuckart Reaction Overview from Organic Reactions (PDF)
· Synthesis of Allylbenzene and Phenyl-2-bromopropane
· Direct Amination of Phenylpropenes to Amphetamines (German PDF)
· Preparation of Amphetamines from Phenylpropanolamines
· Optically pure Amphetamines by the way of alpha-Methylhydrocinnamic Acid
· Amphetamine Synthesis via an Acetoacetate Intermediate
· Reduction of benzylic alcohols to hydrocarbons with iodotrimethylsilane
· Dehydration of Phenyl-1-propanol to Propenylbenzene
· Synthesis of (S)-(+)-Amphetamine from (1S,2S)-2-Amino-1-Phenyl-1,3-Propanediol
· Amphetamine by Al/Hg reductive amination of P2P
· Efficient Isomerization of Allylbenzene with NaOH/PTC
· Synthesis of Deuterio-l-Amphetamine d1 Sulfate
· Synthesis of Deuterated Methamphetamine, DOB, PCP and Methaqualone
· Ephedrine: Synthesis, extraction and esterification
· Synthesis and resolution of racemic Ephedrine
· Enantioselective Synthesis of (1S,2S)-pseudoephedrine
· Racemization of Optically Active Ephedrines
· Comprehensive reference work on the extraction and synthesis of (pseudo)ephedrine
· Comparison of the Properties of Ephedrine and Pseudoephedrine
· Ephedrine and its Salts - Isolation and Properties
· Synthesis of Phenylpropanolamine and (Pseudo)Ephedrine
· [Patent] Synthesis of Ephedrine
· Synthesis of the Norephedrine Precursor (1R*,2S*)-1-Phenyl-2-nitropropanol
· Catalytic reduction of Ephedrine overview with references
· Ephedra (Ma Huang) as a source of (pseudo)ephedrine
· Chapter 5: Supercritical extraction of Pseudoephedrine from pills (PDF)
· Biotransformations for Ephedrine Production (PDF)
· l-Phenylacetylcarbinol (L-PAC) from Benzaldehyde (PDF)
· Phenylpropanolamine by reductive amination of L-PAC, made by fermentation of Benzaldehyde
· Debunking the Myth of Ephedrine/Methamphetamine in Chicken Feed
· dl-Ephedrine by reductive amination of 1-Phenyl-1,2-propanedione
· Ephedrine-type Alkaloid content of commercial Ephedra/Ma Huang preparations (PDF)
· Separation of methamphetamine from ephedrine through steam distillation
· Comprehensive article on (pseudo)ephedrine acetyl ester and amide (PDF)
· Pseudoephedrine pill denaturant patents US6136864 (PDF)
· Pseudoephedrine Extraction Technique: Waterless A/B
· Pseudoephedrine Extraction Technique: Full Turps Cure
· Pseudoephedrine Extraction Technique: E-Gull & IDEA Method
· Pseudoephedrine Extraction Technique: Straight to Bee
· Pseudoephedrine Extraction Technique: Straight to E
· Extraction of OTC Medications: A Preliminary Study Report by G.N. Gietzen (PDF)

Misc. Phenethylamines

· PiHKAL - THE phenethylamine synthesis reference, by Alexander Shulgin
· A structural tour of Pihkal
· A comprehensive review of Pihkal, by Tyrone Slothrop
· Psychedelic Chemistry by M. V. Smith
· Novel Fluoro and Nitro analogs of TMA-2 and MMDA-2
· A new route to 2,4,6-DOM and related compounds
· A new route to 3,5-dimethoxy-4-substituted-phenethylamines
· Ethylenediammonium diacetate - a novel nitrostyrene synthesis catalyst
· Decarboxylation of phenylalanines to phenethylamines
· Synthesis of 2C-D
· Synthesis of STP (DOM)
· 2,5-Dihydroxyalkylbenzenes from Benzoquinone
· Synthesis of DOC
· DOB Syntheses Without LAH
· Phenyl-2-nitropropenes from Propenylbenzenes
· Nitroalkenes from Alkenes using NaNO2/I2/Ethylene Glycol
· Nitroalkenes from Alkenes using KNO2/I2/THF/PTC
· Electrochemical transformation of alkenes to nitroalkenes
· Rhodanine route from benzaldehydes to phenylacetonitriles
· Synthesis of Indanylamphetamine (IAP)
· Formylation of Indane
· Synthesis of 5-Methyl-MDA
· Synthesis of 3-Methoxy-4-Methyl-Amphetamine (MMA)
· Synthesis of 4-Fluoroamphetamine
· Phenylnitropropenes and phenylacetones from benzaldehydes (Org. Syn.)
· Benzaldehydes from propenylbenzenes or cinnamic acids using KMnO4/alumina
· Synthesis of 2,5-dimethoxyallylbenzene
· Preparation of unsymmetrical 2,5-dialkoxybenzaldehydes
· Preparation of Phenethylamines from Benzyl Alcohols
· Preparation of Anethole and Asarone epoxide with H2O2/MeCN
· Synthesis of 4-Alkylthio-2,5-Dimethoxybenzaldehydes
· Alkylthio-benzaldehydes from Bromo-Benzaldehydes
· Synthesis of Phenethylamines from Phenylacetic Acids
· Synthesis of 2,3-Methylenedioxyamphetamines
· Ultrasound Promoted Nitrostyrene Synthesis
· 2,5-Dimethoxyphenylacetone via Darzen Condensation
· 4-Iodo-2,5-Dimethoxyphenylacetone
· Synthesis of 3-Methyl-2,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde
· Synthesis of 2C-CN
· Synthesis of 4-Methoxyphenol
· Synthesis of 3-Methyl-2,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde
· Synthesis of 3,4-Methylenedioxy-5-methoxybromobenzene
· Synthesis of Fenfluramine, with an immense amount of novel amphetamine synthesis reactions
· Sodium Percarbonate Dakin Reaction: Benzaldehydes and acetophenones to phenols
· Benzaldehydes to phenols using H2O2
· Synthesis of 4-Hydroxy-2,6-Dimethoxybenzaldehyde
· Oxidation of benzylalcohols to benzaldehydes with acidic DMSO
· Benzaldehydes by reductive oxidation of benzoic acids
· 3,5-Dimethoxy-4-Hydroxypropenylbenzene
· Synthesis of all the Trimethoxyphenylpropenes
· Synthesis of Croweacin and some of its derivatives
· KG-60-NEt2 as Henry reaction catalyst
· Synthesis of 3-Methyl- and 4-Methyl-2,5-Dimethoxybenzaldehyde
· Synthesis of 4-Methoxyphenol
· 2,5-Dimethoxyacetophenone from Hydroquinone
· Synthesis of 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-Fluoroethylamphetamine (DOEF)
· The Synthesis of Nitrostyrenes by the Henry Reaction
· Synthesis of 4-Fluoro-2,5-Dimethoxyamphetamine (DOF)
· High-yielding synthesis of Amphetamines using a Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons Olefination
· Alkyl Bromides to Secondary Amines using an aza-Wittig Reaction
· Oxidation of Allylbenzenes to Phenylacetaldehydes and Phenylacetaldoximes
· Synthesis of 2C-T-X Nitrostyrenes
· 2-Methoxy-3,4-Methylenedioxybenzaldehyde (Croweacinaldehyde) from Pyrogallol
· Synthesis of Croweacinaldehyde by Vilsmeyer Formylation
· Shulgin's first report on TMA
· First Synthesis of DOB
· Synthesis of 4-Methyl-3-Methoxy-Amphetamine (MMA)
· Alkylation of phenolic aldehydes with trimethyl phosphate
· Thiolation of 4-Methoxyphenol to 2-Hydroxy-5-methoxythiophenol
· Shulgin & Nichols: First report on Aleph and 2C-T
· First Reported Synthesis of 3,4,5-Trimethoxyamphetamine (TMA)
· Reduction of Nitroalkenes with Zinc and Aluminum Amalgams
· 3,5-Dimethoxy-4-Alkoxy-Phenethylamines by Zn/HCl Reduction of Nitrostyrenes
· Phenethylamines fron nitrostyrenes via 1 atm catalytic hydrogenation
· Reduction of Phenylacetonitriles and Nitrostyrenes to PEA's with LiBH4/ NaBH4and TMSCl
· Notes on the LAH reduction of nitrostyrenes
· Reduction of Nitrostyrenes with Red-Al (Vitride)
· Reduction of Nitrostyrenes to Phenethylamines using Red-Al
· Miscellaneous reductions of oximes to amines
· High-Yield Oxime Preparation using CaO/Hydroxylamine·HCl
· Nitrostyrene reduction using diisobutylaluminium hydride
· Zinc Borohydride Reducing Agent (PDF)
· Sodium Cyanoborohydride - Synthesis, Purification and Use (PDF)
· Sodium Cyanoborohydride Reduction - Review (DjVu)
· Borch Reduction - Cyanotrihydridoborate as a selective reducing agent (PDF)
· Sodium Borohydride/Carboxylic Acids - Sodium Triacetoxyborohydride (PDF)
· Sodium Borohydride in Carboxylic Acid Media - Review (DjVu)
· Catalytic Hydrogenation of Nitrostyrenes at 1 atm H2
· Aqueous CTH with PdCl2/HCOOH/NaOH of cinnamic acids to hydrocinnamates
· Synthesis and Reduction of Azides
· Reductive Acetylation: Azides to N-acetylamines with AlI3/Ac2O
· Reduction of Azides to Amines with Zinc/NH4Cl
· Reduction of Nitriles to Primary Amines with Nickel Boride
· Reduction of Nitroalkenes to Oximes
· Oximes from Conjugated Nitroalkenes using Pd/C-Ammonium Formate CTH
· Oximes from Conjugated Nitroalkenes using Lead Powder
· Reduction of Nitroalkanes to amines using Zinc/Ammonium Formate
· Reduction of Nitroalkanes to amines using Zinc/Hydrazinium Formate
· Reduction of Nitroalkanes to amines using Magnesium/Hydrazinium Formate
· Reduction of nitroalkenes to nitroalkanes with 2-phenylbenzimidazoline
· Reduction of nitroalkenes to nitroalkanes with Triethylamine-Formic Acid
· Poisoning and Deactivation of Palladium Catalysts (PDF)
· Nitrostyrenes to Nitroalkanes with Methanolic Sodium Borohydride
· Nitrostyrenes to Nitroalkanes with Borohydride Exchange Resin (BER)
· Reduction of Phenylacetonitriles to Phenethylamines
· Electroreduction of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives (DjVu)
· Reduction of Phenolic Nitrostyrenes with LAH
· Electroreduction of Nitroalkenes to Oximes and Amines
· Reductions with Sodium Borohydride/Sulfur - NaBH2S3 (PDF)
· Reductions with Alkyloxyaluminohydrides, Red-Al etc. (PDF)
· Selective Reduction of Aldehydes with Sodium Triacetoxyborohydride
· CTH Reduction of Nitroalkenes to Oximes using Pd/C-Decaborane
· Ultrasound-Promoted Aluminum Amalgam reduction of Nitroalcohols to Aminoalcohols
· Reduction of Nitroalkenes to Hydroxylamines using Boranes
· One-Pot Preparation of N-Substituted Hydroxylamines from Nitroalkenes using Boranes
· Reduction of Nitroalkanes to Amines or Hydroxylamines using SmI2
· Reduction of Oximes to Amines with a Zn-Cu Couple
· Selective Reduction of Nitro Compounds Using Formic Acid and Raney Nickel
· High-yielding reduction of nitrostyrenes to amines using Al/Hg
· Reduction of oximes to amines using Magnesium/Ammonium Formate
· Catalytic Reduction of Nitriles and Oximes
· Reduction of Amides and nitriles to amines using Tetrabutylammonium Borohydride
· CTH reduction of aldehydes and ketones to carbonyl compounds
· Pd/C- Hypophosphite CTH Reduction of Nitroalkenes to Oximes
· Varma & Kabalka: Reduction of Conjugated Nitroalkenes with Boron Reagents (Review)
· Varma & Kabalka: Synthesis and Reduction of Conjugated Nitroalkenes (Review)
· Reduction of Nitro Compounds to Amines with Titanium(II) Reagents
· Reduction of Nitroalkenes to Amines with in situ prepared BH3·THF
· Reduction of Nitroalkenes and Nitroalkanes to Amines Using NaBH4/NiCl2 and Ultrasound
· Zinc/Ammonium Formate: Reduction of Oximes to Amines
· Benzyl Group Hydrogenolysis Using Zinc and Ammonium Formate
· Reduction of Nitroalkenes to Oximes using Chromium(II)Chloride
· Reduction of Nitroalkenes to Ketones using Chromium(II)Chloride
· Review: Catalytic Hydrogen Transfer Reductions Using Ammonium Formate
· CTH Reduction of Nitroalkanes to Amines


Opiates and Opioids

Misc Drugs

Precursors and Reagents

· Methylamine Synthesis FAQ
· Nitroalkane Synthesis FAQ
· Nitroethane Synthesis: A Compilation
· Oxalyl chloride
· Phenylhydrazines
· Alkylation of phenolic aldehydes with trimethyl phosphate
· Methylene bromide
· Methylene iodide
· Cinnamic acid and beta-Bromostyrene
· Allylbenzene from cinnamyl alcohol
· Diethyl ether
· Acetic anhydride, Propionic anhydride and Acetyl chloride
· Formic acid
· Acetamide
· Amides from Carboxylic Acids and Amines
· Various formylation procedures
· Modified Duff Formylation with HMTA/TFA
· Aromatic Formylation using Triformamide
· Gattermann Aromatic Formylation
· Synthesis of Aromatic Aldehydes (Review)
· Anilines to Benzaldehydes (Organic Syntheses)
· Oxalic Acid from Household Cleaners
· Oxalic Acid from Household Cleaners (Improved Method)
· Info on nutmeg, extraction of nutmeg oil and isolation of myristicin
· Bromobenzene
· Iodobenzene
· Mandelic Acid and Derivatives
· para-Benzoquinone
· Toluquinone and Toluhydroquinone
· Ethyl Acetoacetate
· Notes on the use of 1-dimethylamino-2-nitroethylene (DMANE)
· Preparation of Acetophenones
· Acetophenones and Propiophenones
· Easy preparation of Chloroform
· Citric acid from lemon juice
· N-methylformamide
· Dichloromethyl methyl ether
· Chloroacetone and Bromoacetone
· Methyl Iodide from Methanol
· Great reference on natural propenylbenzenes and aldehydes (in German)
· Natural amphetamine precursors (with pictures)
· 2-Phenylpropanal
· Allyl Alcohol
· Preparation of Diphenylacetic acids (PDF)
· Alkyl Bromides from Alcohols
· Alkyl Nitrites from Alcohols
· Isopropyl Nitrite doc 2.0
· Ketene
· Acetonedicarboxylic Acid
· Diethyl Sulfate
· N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) and N-Iodosuccinimide (NIS)
· Aromatic nitration with KNO3/H2SO4 in DCM (ortho-Selective)
· Aromatic nitration with NaHSO4/NaNO3/SiO2 in DCM
· Acetaldehyde and Paraldehyde
· Tetrabutylammonium Bromide (TBAB)
· 2-Nitropropene
· Ethyl Acetate
· Diethyl Azodicarboxylate (DEAD)
· Nitrobenzene and Aniline
· Chloroacetic acid
· Benzylamine and its N-Methyl and N,N-Dimethyl derivatives
· Methylisopropylamine
· Alkyl Chlorides to Alkyl Bromides using CaBr2/PTC
· alpha-Phenylethylamine, Synthesis and Optical Resolution
· Synthesis and resolution of alpha-Phenethylamine
· 3-Hydroxythiophenol (mono-thioresorcinol)
· Acids to aldehydes using Saccharin and Red-Al
· Silica Gel Supported Jones Reagent for the Oxidation of Alcohols to Aldehydes
· One-pot Conversion of Alcohols to Primary Amines
· Phenol methylation with Betaine
· Oxone Promoted Nef Reaction
· Propionic Acid from n-Propanol or MEK
· 6-Nitro- and 4-Nitro-2,5-Dimethoxybenzaldehyde
· Optically active cyanohydrins by use of Almond meal
· The preparation and use of Diazomethane
· The preparation and use of Methylene Sulfate
· The preparation of Ethyl and Methyl Sulfonic Acid Esters from Ortoformates
· Bromination Method for Anilines and Anisoles Using NH4Br/H2O2 in Acetic Acid

Law Related

Equipment & Lab Technique

· Setup for standard, vacuum and fractional distillation
· All-glass rotary evaporator
· Aspirator vacuum station with no need for running water
· Improvised Overhead Stirrer
· Homemade microgram scale
· Natural pH Indicators
· Digital vacuum gauge
· Build your own high-quality still (PDF)
· Do it yourself buchner funnel (PDF)
· Tips for Safe Parr Hydrogenator Use (PDF)
· A Simple and Easy Quick-Connect System for Condenser Hoses
· How to set up distillation equipment and much more (in German)
· Handling of air- and moisture-sensitive reagents (Aldrich Bulletin)
· Ground Glassware - Sizes and standards (PDF)
· Efficient Kugelrohr Distillation Cooling (PDF)
· Cheaply made Glove Box
· Very detailed distillation setup instructions
· Construction and Selection of Fume Hood Designs (PDF)
· Construction of a Liebig condenser from copper tubing
· How to perform a vacuum filtration
· How to perform extractions and washes with a separatory funnel
· Destruction and neutralization of hazardous lab waste
· Magnetic Stirrer Plans
· How thick is your Aluminum Foil?
· Construction and operation of a catalytic hydrogenation bomb
· Recrystallization Technique
· Basic Lab Skills - Crystallization, Distillation, Extraction, TLC, melting point
· Designing a Chemistry Laboratory (DjVu)
· Constructing a good fume hood (DjVu)
· Scientific Glassblowing, Part 1 (DjVu)
· Scientific Glassblowing, Part 2 (DjVu)
· Description of Equipment and Basic Lab Setups
· The Glassware Gallery - Drawings and Descriptions of Lab Equipment
· Needle Gauge sizes
· Simple Glass to Fancy Glass
· Construction of an Inline Gas Dryer (moisture protection tube)
· Cheap and efficient hydrogenation apparatus
· The Visual Organic Chemistry Laboratory - Lab technique explained in detail with pictures
· Ultra-micro boiling point determination
· Extraction Theory
· Beginners Guide to Soxhlet Extraction (PDF)
· Comprehensive Vacuum Pump FAQ with sections about Vacuum Gauges and Tubing
· Heat sources and heating bath fluids
· Titrating of Organometallic Reagents (such as RLi and t-BuOK)
· Excellent Illustrated Tutorial on Simple & Vacuum Distillations, vacuum bp calculation etc.
· Wine Corks as Stands for Round-Bottomed Flasks
· Recrystallization and Acid/Base Extraction - The Basics
· Condenser Ice-Cooling Setup
· Rotary Evaporators - Theory & Practice
· Parr Hydrogenation Apparatus Manual
· Hydrogen Chloride Gas Generators Associated with Clandestine Drug Labs
· Efficient and Inexpensive Apparatus for Hot Filtration
· Inexpensive Microscale Magnetic Stirrer
· Pump-less Condenser Cooling Water Circulator
· Small Scale Reactor for Ultraviolet Photochemistry
· New Glassware for Small-Scale Distillation
· Microscale Vacuum Distillation Apparatus for Simple Separations
· Design for a Miniature Portable Fume Hood
· Construction of a Compact Steam Distillation Apparatus



· OTC Solvents FAQ 1.0
· Extraction FAQ
· An introduction to catalytic transfer hydrogenation
· PTC Oxidation of Alcohols Using Hydrogen Peroxide
· PTC Oxidation of Alcohols Using Hypochlorite
· Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohols to Benzaldehydes with NaBr-Oxone
· Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohols to Benzaldehydes with DMSO
· General procedure for Collins reagent oxidations
· Psychotomimetic Chemical Weapons
· Technical information on hard gelatin capsules
· Gelatin capsule size chart (PDF)
· General Alkaloid Extraction Doc
· Grignard Reaction Notes
· Grignard Reactions in "Wet" Ether
· Aldehydes from grignard reagents and formic acid salts
· Aldehydes from grignard reagents using 2-(N-Methyl,N-Formylamino)pyridine
· Reduction of Acid Chlorides to Aldehydes using Sodium Borohydride & Pyridine
· Wizard X's Homepage
· The Complete Organic Synthesis online (with structure search engine)
· The Collected Rantings of the alt.drugs.chemistry Legend POPeye
· The Collected Rantings of the alt.drugs.chemistry Legend Eleusis/Zwitterion
· m-Chloroperbenzoic acid (mCPBA) Reaction Handbook (PDF)
· m-Chloroperbenzoic acid (mCPBA) Technical Bulletin (PDF)
· Color test drug identification reference (PDF)
· Comprenhensive organic reduction overview
· Essential Oils in Hundreds of Plants, all Containing Phenylpropene Derivatives
· E-Book: Vogel's Practical Organic Chemistry, 3rd Ed. (DjVu)
· Nickel-on-Charcoal - A dirt cheap Pd/C alternative? (PDF)
· Nickel-on-Charcoal - Improved preparation (PDF)
· A Whirlwind Tour of Current Mitsunobu Chemistry (PDF)
· Aryl Halides to Thiophenols using Thiourea
· Organic Structure Determination Bibliography
· The Watcher's Chemistry Works (Snapshot Jan 2003)
· CTH Removal of N-Benzyl groups
· CTH Removal of N-Benzyl groups
· Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution - Activation, Deactivation and Regioselectivity
· E-Book: 'Hydrogenation Methods' by Paul. N. Rylander (DjVu)
· Synthesis of Methanesulfonate Esters (Mesylates) From Alcohols
· The Biochemistry of Drugs and Poisons (PDF)
· The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Research Monographs
· 1-Methyl-4-Phenyl-1,2,3,6-Tetrahydropyridine (MPTP): One Designer Drug and Serendipity
· Two-Carbon Homologation of Grignard Reagents to Primary Amines
· One-Pot Synthesis of Carbamates: Alkylation of Amines with R-O-Ts/PTC/K2CO3/CO2
· Rapid Reduction of Carbonyl Group to Methylene with PMHS-B(C6F5)3
· Cyanuric Chloride: Converting Carboxylic Acids into Chlorides/Esters/Amides


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Aug 22, 2024
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Sep 20, 2022
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Thank you very much, it was a very big motivation in my early days.


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May 13, 2024
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Extremely impressed at how much work was put in to this post! I will be referencing it often in the coming weeks. Thank you so much!
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