or how about that coating on Advil?? Shit is sweet! YUMMY! When I started smoking cigars and was introduced to all the 'flavors' I hated them, why do I want sweet with my tobacco? Gross. One time, I accidentally got the juices of my beef lo mein on a pack of flavorless cigars. Long story why but I didn't notice and they dried like that. They tasted AMAZING and it took me a while to figure out what happened. MEAT flavored cigars! WHY IS THAT STILL NOT A THING??? Smoke a cigar and tell me it wouldn't taste better with a 'hint' of bacon in it lol. So since that day I'm all about flavors and changing UP flavors of things.
Full disclosure I haven't tried Meth yet but I assume it's at least similar to 4MMC in taste since it's all basically chemicals? Why not a tinge of cherry or something if it doesn't effect quality in any way? I'm (still) no chemist so can't speak to that directly, so I do really wonder if candy like flavors are possible for any of these drugs really...
I supposed you'd have to know not to smoke or inject it.. That might be bad.. I may have just answered my own question... That one at least, I'm still left pondering meat flavored cigars...