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Washington the reintroduction of chewbacchus


Don't buy from me
New Member
Oct 21, 2023
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Hello fellow pirates of the S. S.Dead American Dream!!! I am writing this as a way to let y'all know that I am on a new account as of right now. I had totally forgotten about this site this last year and hadn't been around but prior to that I was doing a fair amount of lurking and copying recipes to my notebook.

Thats right, i felt it would be prudent to make sure that if something happens and the ability to get online is knocked out for a long time I'll still be ok. Don't call me a prepper, I prefer pragmatist and I've got those recipes so that whenever shit hits the fan, which seems more inevitable every day, I'll be set with my alchemical knowledge and skills. Like in the hierarchy of my personal needs the only things higher on the list than narcotics are love/family, food air & water but they're pretty much all tied for first place.

How much do you think a guy will be worth/appreciated who knows how to do some chemistry so that the survivors of a nuclear Holocaust can have medicines and pain relief? I'm kidding, sort of.

I sure hope that we don't end up finally triumphing over all of the bullshit that the drug policy and prison industrial complex have done in that way, as much as I would love to be able to use the poppies I've grown and dried in some really fun and fascinating experiments which would require A. A. I feel it would be bittersweet if a nuclear holocaust was what gave me that option. Alright so I can now go to bed knowing my reintroduction post will definitely be read by someone and I will for sure seem like a kook.

I am totally weird I'll cop to that but I'm just wiped, the tiniest bit chemically enhanced and know that the fears of the state of the world and our psychopathic bloodthirsty leaders are universal fears and so I felt pretty ok about going there. But that's all for now, wish me luck figuring out my password to my old account so I can forget I made this post and and hope you do too!


Don't buy from me
May 26, 2024
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I saw Hunter S. Thompson's fist that Depp made in Colorado and bought a Woody Creek Tavern t-shirt. A pilgrimage of sorts.......


Don't buy from me
Sep 15, 2023
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Welcome back my man!