Why your steamdistillation takes forever - Explanation and solution


Don't buy from me
Feb 22, 2023
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Knowing the average attention span of the YouTube shots generation I make it brief:
The problem is the size, the diameter of the connection of boiling flask to condenser. And only the minimal diameter counts, this defines the possible through put through the whole thing. Look at thoese ridiculous NS24/40 joints and look for the smallest diameter and shiver. Tiny.
But the possible throughput is dependent on this diameter the correlation is defined by the Hagen Poiseuille law. And yes steam behaves like a liquid enough for this law to apply. It says in short if you double the diameter of a tube you can achieve 16 times the throughput. Or if you half the inner diameter anywhere you get only 1/16th of the througput.
NS45 if you want to process more the 50 ml P2P, this suffices for up to 3 kg maybe. You need to be able to generate enough steam of course, Bigger is for SS and 8cm or 10cm ID or more.

And thats that.
Good Luck!