work on hashes to see alphanumeric words behind it with vortex maths


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Sep 30, 2022
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Hello all, i hope the title are clear, if not will try to explain about it.
Im not a professional security systems person, or another professional about it. Just a simple guy i study maths for hobby.
A few months agot i start to study vortex maths, looks simple at frst but them goes hard when use into things of our commun life. like hashes.
I made a previous post announcing that I "discovered" so to speak, that information can be obtained from the characters that a hash contains, speaking of a hash that contains a password for example. (I know that a hash can contain not only a word, alphanumeric etc, but also complete files), although I only limit myself to this for simple extension and hard work can be done in any hash.
I will try to make it very simple. but I will not explain how vortex math works, my idea of sharing this, (although many will surely use it for malicious purposes), since I understand that it can have a beneficial use, also see what opportunities the knowledge or application of this knowledge can give me.
Well, skipping any skeptic, I invite you if the reasoning does not consume time apply this math to remain skeptical in silence. I divide these maths into 4 differential areas to apply them to the hash.
1¬ Know the values from 1-9 of each ascii character, this includes letters, numbers and signs. (Since I only apply it to an alphanumeric word, I only use letters and numbers, although I tried it with signs, it takes time and since everything is done by hand, it gets complicated but it can be done), I tried it with hash sha 256 and sha 512, for y works in both cases with the same method.
2¬ Having placed the value to each letter, the hash must be reduced to 4 groups of 4 numbers, the reduction is done with the rule of vortex mathematics.
3¬ having the 4 groups of this information we will obtain the length of characters of the hash word, and also which groups we must eliminate.
4¬ Having eliminated the groups that we will not use, which will be 2 groups of 4 numbers, we will already have 80% of all the letters that the hash contains. The exact numbers and letters are obtained with the fractal geometry of vortex mathematics.
When the fractal geometry is the same, then the result is true, in this case that number of the group of 4 numbers must be the container of the letters/numbers that contains the word of the hash, otherwise it is eliminated from the result.
When the sum of the group numbers is equal to or less than 5, the word of the hash is less than 9 characters, when it is less than 8 the word is less than 18 characters long, there is a relationship in this sum, it only reaches here, since the results always give the exact number.
I do this whole process with paper and pencil because there is no software to do all these steps automatically, and it only takes a couple of hours after calculating the fractal geometry.
Note that when a letter is repeated the sum of the fractal geometry is equal to 0, but since 0 in this mathematics does not exist, the result is always 9, this is because you must obtain 3 6 or 9 to change the polarity to the geometry .
Do not go too far with obtaining the numbers in more than 2 figures in an alphanumeric word (2 continuous numbers), however if it can be obtained, in the same way with the signs. Regardless of the difficulty of the sha 256 or sha 512 hash, the same process is applied to both and the same results are obtained, since the concept of these mathematics is to work with the simplification of the whole set.
I tried this method with 100 hashes, 50 created by me and another 50 created by an unknown person and in the 100 attempts it was always successful.
What can be achieved with this, knowing what letters and numbers the word contains, (you can also know signs in the case of what has them, the process is the same only longer), and the length of the word.
Do not continue studying it, but I am sure that you can also obtain each character according to its position in the word, that is, to know the order in which each character is found, because in the method that I show you there is no order, only the letters are obtained and numbers but not order, however I am sure that in geometry there is a pattern of order since, as I mentioned, it is linked to polarity and this gives order.
I invite you to investigate about it, and with pleasure I contribute more on the subject since after researching on the network, I did not find anything similar, and it is what generates the gratitude of the discovery even if it is only for the knowledge and does not contribute anything lucrative .