how am i gonna take ketamine


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Dec 2, 2022
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You can either inject it intramuscularly (IM) usually on the thighs, or intravenously (IV) the crook of the arm.
You have more time to get the needle out and get ready (1-5 minutes) when doing it IM while the IV hits you immediately also it provides an immediate rush while the IM injection will be more subtle.
If this is your first time I would recommend IM as IV is easier to mess up and also more dangerous if you do a mistake.
The bioavailability is pretty much the same (maybe higher with IV but it isn’t significant) I prefer doing it IV but there will be times where I will wake up on my chair with a needle still in my vein when doing high doses.


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Dec 2, 2022
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Also no need to heat it but you can add salt if it doesn’t dissolve well (I don’t use any)
I take a bottle cap where I pour some sterile water and get about 0.4 ml of water into the syringe then I take the ketamine (0.1=blackout 0.07=average dose) and crush it using the syringe orange cap in a glass petri dish then add the water from the syringe.
Dissolve the ketamine and get it into the syringe.
It really only takes me 2 minutes to do so.
From about 0.5 the dose will determine the duration and less the intensity.
For IM injections first locate the vastus lateralis muscle then clean it with alcohol, after that relax it and press the needle into it using a 90 degree angle aspirate the syringe and if there is blood return that mean that you hit a blood vessel so take it out and apply pressure. If no blood return then you can press on the plunger at a steady rate and inject it after doing so disinfect the area, and massage the site of injection, finally get into a comfortable place.
For IV injections disinfect the area where the median cubital vein is and press in it at 45 degrees (depends on depth).
Check for blood return if there is then you are in the vein (if you are using a tourniquet, untie it or it could cause the vein to blow make sure your still in the vein after removing the tourniquet) inject at a steady pace not too fast not too slow.
Disinfect the area.
Drink plenty of water, take a hot shower or do some pushups to get more visible veins.
If there appears to be a lump due to a missed shot apply hot towel on site of injection right away and continue to do so throughout the day.
Continue applying a hot towel on injection site every 6 hours or so until the lump disappears.
If it is still growing and it is hot after 3 days you have to get to a hospital for the abscess or it could cause other problems.
Always use new sterile needles and don’t eyeball your doses!


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Jan 28, 2024
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i used to dissolve 2 grams of crystals in a 50ml injection vial, with saline eye was water to suspend it. that used to give me a wollop