Question Mistä ostaa teknistä rikkihappoa?


Don't buy from me
Nov 12, 2022
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Hei yhdessä,

viimeksi olen ostanut rikkihappoa noin 2 vuotta sitten, jolloin sitä sai ostaa lähes kaikkialta ilman erityislupia. Se oli vähän ennen kuin se luokiteltiin vaaralliseksi aineeksi Euroopassa.
Useimmat kemikaalien nettijakelijat vaativat loppukäyttöilmoituksen.

Mistä voin siis ostaa 1-5l rikkihappoa, jonka puhtausaste on <95%??
Onko jollakin clearnet/darknet-markkinoita, joissa tarjotaan rikkihappoa ja muita kemikaalituotteita?



Don't buy from me
Jun 2, 2023
Reaction score
Distillation of drain cleaner is necessary "hard" and it's a great opportunity to get serious about your was to be prepared for absolutely anything.
Ideally outside "lots of white smoke looking gas that does not condense I believe sulphuric oxide "set up a folding table then use some Rubbermaid totes as catch basins just in case and put one stand in a tote and one right next to the basin's' on the outside with a metal clamp holding a two next round bottom with a bunch of smashed glass in it ." it's going to bump very hard when it gets going "a good 6-8 inches of the table with a propane camp grill or similar on a scissor jack so your able to adjust the heat by raising or lowering the the source of flame.
Off your round bottom attach a column then arm ,to your condenser to you vac adapter to your reserver flask.all joint wrap in Teflon tap and metal clamps making sure all clamps hold the glass are tight on both the stand and the glass.the bumping is serious and could easily loose a get dressed with two layers covering every single inch of your body from your head to toes.and ideally a acid resistant apron and matching can also find chem resistant jump suits at army Navy store that are thick and lined with carbon and face shield "something like a welders helmet". now empty a 4lb box of baking soda into a five gallon bucket and fill 2/3 way up with water this is in case of emergency have a cup or two filled with the base water ready to go next to it .now fill your two neck through the open neck half way with the drain cleaner plug/clamp the neck and light the burner and adjust the jack so the tip of the flames 3-5 inch below the bottom of the flask. Set up a seat a good distance away making sure your up wind of the set up and hopefully sit board watching your distillation for the next few also don't want any cooling to the condenser the temp differential will crack it which fn sucks.
When you're done you can use the base water and the totes to rinse/neutralize your contaminated glass.
It may seem like over kill but this sh*ts no joke as you see in those pictures.and honestly every action in this hobby should be taken just as serious. Complacment breeds disaster and sadly people tend to skip over safety details in forums way to often.
Good luck and don't be scared be cautious