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1) Production of Aluminum Amalgam
2) Reductive Amination and Extraction
3) Methamphetamine Free Base Isolation and Hydrochloride Salt Crystallization
Does anyone know how the product comes out using a Al/Hg route compared too Nabh4 which leaves the gear pathetic, you can eat 2 tubs of ice-cream on nabh4 gear and then go have a nap.
its a heavy methal right, where you gonna put all that waste when you finished the job? In the nature? You supposed to scale it up also if you gonna get some value right, its very poisonous to human and the nature life,
but still racemic meth made by hydrogenation methods instead gives even better quality, and much easier to scale up if you know how to handle it?
Doe anyone know how to make Aluminum amalgam from Mercury and not the mercury salts, I know it can be done just dont know how to do it as the Mercury reacts differently in the water
Yes you can but you will have to evaporate a lot of water after to get it to crystallize. Also titration is tedious.
Thanks,But in Iran we use hydrochloric acid in last step for synthesise meth in large scale (ephedrine/iodine method)
Thanks,But in Iran we use hydrochloric acid in last step for synthesise meth in large scale (ephedrine/iodine method)
Do you add 37% hydrochloric acid? How do you crystallize? I do it by creating hcl gas with sulfuric acid and cooking salt but it doesn't crystallize very well.
Good video😍💎,why use HCL gas can I use hydrochloric acid solution?
Hydrochloric acid is concentrated with H2O of which meth is soluble in. So you might lose a very little bit of yield. You can use hydrochloric acid solution and then distill or evaporate off excess water from them meth
Oh my god! After these years of searching!!!
Thank you, BB.Expert.
Thank you internet 'hood!
its not all about racemic or not its not that simple really, if you don't even know more that better stay off commenting anything right
amazing videos, always love watching (;, but I believe the salting of the methamphetamine HCL the pH has to be higher than 2, 2 is too low and will leave you with an offwhite product if you just “neutralize” the freebase with the HCL gas to a pH of 6-7 that should be addicute, also additionally would love to see a recrystallization of the methamphetamine in the same format of these types of videos
Is it 100% necessary to use P2NP P2P I have 300ml of P2P which is not via P2NP reduction can it still be used in this route?
If your selling your meth for 2 dollars a gram, you must be producing shit meth, best quit while your ahead.
Where I live that's the price and yes quality is not great but who can compete with 20$ for 1/16 there are almost zero independent manufacturers. So I did indeed quit while I was ahead
Local market prices aside my point was Palladium cost being a bit pricey
No, your first comment was not too state Palladium was expensive it was to undermine my point that large scale methamphetamine production via Hydrogenation is ''unpractical''. In which I was right, and you were wrong, a Fire extinguisher can be used as the vessel attached to a Hydrogen tank, where it already has a pressure gauge installed which can monitor the pressure.

I will agree that Reductive alkylation hydrogenolysis of P2P and IV-benzylmethylamine to form methamphetamine is not commonly encountered however I was answering Hunters12 question who stated they wanted LARGE SCALE. In which case Hydrogenolysis is an easy route for LARGE SCALE.
Have you ever conducted a Hydrogenation reaction ? Easy route and large scale ? For sake of discussion is one thing. In the real world is something very different I mean no disrespect this is just fact we can disagree
I don't the cartel does genius your talking out your ass bud I have no problem with that it's when others take it as fact it becomes a bit Irresponsible
Haha your name calling holds very little weight when all it takes is the other members of the community to take 5 minutes out of their day to look into the price of Palladium while you Testint the retard of the group can only price it at $40,000 a kg. I know you're from some dog shit third world country, so I'll give you a quick tip on persuasive speaking. Next time your rebuttals would be a lot stronger if you included ANY chemistry knowledge what so ever.
Haha your name calling holds very little weight when all it takes is the other members of the community to take 5 minutes out of their day to look into the price of Palladium while you Testint the retard of the group can only price it at $40,000 a kg. I know you're from some dog shit third world country, so I'll give you a quick tip on persuasive speaking. Next time your rebuttals would be a lot stronger if you included ANY chemistry knowledge what so ever.
Haha your name calling holds very little weight when all it takes is the other members of the community to take 5 minutes out of their day to look into the price of Palladium while you Testint the retard of the group can only price it at $40,000 a kg. I know you're from some dog shit third world country, so I'll give you a quick tip on persuasive speaking. Next time your rebuttals would be a lot stronger if you included ANY chemistry knowledge what so ever.
Google the price
You don't Know what you're talking about or you would stand on facts. You went with being an asshole fair enough how are you helping again
Google the price
You don't Know what you're talking about or you would stand on facts. You went with being an asshole fair enough how are you helping again
Look I'm going to stop responding too you after this message because your rebuttals are these "straw-man responses". Like iv stated in past responses you don't include any Chemistry knowledge whatsoever, if you thought my Reductive alkylation hydrogenolysis route had a large list of Cons to Pros compared to Aluminium Amalgam for large commercial production We could have had an intelligent conversation, but that time has passed. You've put yourself on show for the whole community too see now Testint how stupid you actually are...

Perhaps Chemistry isn't for you, really if you leave this community, it's no great loss after looking through your profile responses. Perhaps leave it too the "CaRteL" in your region and start a coconut stall on the side of the road so tourists like me can feel sorry for you while we quench our thirst. It would be more fitting for you someone with your IQ stature.

All the best and fare-well retard.
- Woodshack
Woodshack said:
In the words of the wise Uncle Fester, "In the terms of commercial production think hydrogenation" Page 37
Palladium is VERY expensive. Makeshift cells using lead and a makeshift conducting membrane is not practical for large scale.

This is my first response what exactly is wrong with it ?? Does it appear I have no grasp of festers theoretical musings. He worked in the electroplating industry Years ago and would have access and understanding . Using a lambskin condom for a membrane and for a lead and Pallidum black . This is not suitable for large scale what don't you get
Look I'm going to stop responding too you after this message because your rebuttals are these "straw-man responses". Like iv stated in past responses you don't include any Chemistry knowledge whatsoever, if you thought my Reductive alkylation hydrogenolysis route had a large list of Cons to Pros compared to Aluminium Amalgam for large commercial production We could have had an intelligent conversation, but that time has passed. You've put yourself on show for the whole community too see now Testint how stupid you actually are...

Perhaps Chemistry isn't for you, really if you leave this community, it's no great loss after looking through your profile responses. Perhaps leave it too the "CaRteL" in your region and start a coconut stall on the side of the road so tourists like me can feel sorry for you while we quench our thirst. It would be more fitting for you someone with your IQ stature.

All the best and fare-well retard.
- Woodshack
Palladium is VERY expensive. Makeshift cells using lead and a makeshift conducting membrane is not practical for large scale.

This is my first response what exactly is wrong with it ?? Does it appear I have no grasp of festers theoretical musings. He worked in the electroplating industry Years ago and would have access and understanding . Using a lambskin condom for a membrane and for a lead and Pallidum black . This is not suitable for large scale what don't you get
Actually wrong again Mr S.P who I consider myself a friend of and I think likewise is STILL IN THE ELECTRO PLATING industry
I am just amazed by the quality of the videos you guys put out. Every aspect is so well thought out, from the back drops, lighting, little animations throughout the video, and sound tracks. I hate to blow smoke up your asses, but I must give credit when it is due. I think it’s time I start donating to the site.
Hello friends, I have noticed that all the amphetamine videos start from p2np, I would like to try this method to make amphetamine (starting from p2p). I would appreciate it if someone could clarify a doubt for me: I think that if I follow all the steps and replace the methylamine with ammonia water (would NaOh no longer be necessary in the solution?) would the result be an amphetamine-free base? Could this be precipitated with sulfuric acid (sulfate) orthophosphoric acid (phosphate)? I appreciate your help . I would like to document and take photos of the process to share in the forum :)
HG??? you dont know what mercury is or what do you mean
You can try non-toxic Galinstan (Gallium Indium Tin alloy, GaInSn) to amalgamate Aluminum. Weigh Aluminum foil and rip it into pieces. 90% to 95% Aluminum foil. Then get 5% to 10% liquid Galinstan metal. Melt it in a crucible until it's all molten and stir it with a glass stir rod. Then let it cool. The Aluminum Galinstan (Al/GaInSn) can produce hydrogen and would replace the Aluminum Mercury. If Mercury is used, the product has to be distilled and cleaned in general. Al/GaInSn would be a good alternative to Al/Hg.
I have some questions,
1. Regarding the mercury salt dose it mater if it’s mercury cloride salt or mercury II Nitrate ( sorry for all my bad spelling but I’m dislectic) if it maters hat is the difrens but root to cloride salt is fyrat nitric asid full consintration /dry / then ad HCI has asid then dry agen right? ( yes en be in a fumehud or atlest far from any humans….

2 DCM is the solvent that is used to separate from the Basifide solution or the gray sluge and it being dried becuse he uses ethanol 88% meaning there is 12% water….. wondering if that’s the reson for drying the DCM with the anhydrous sodium salt???
So my question is

is it ok to use just “100% IPA and skip the 88% ethanol completely with water in it and skip the drying prossess altogether by using DimethilEther (ether) instead of DCM to pool the X base out of solution

Maybe some water is needed in reaction? I’m curious

Also with the GAS generator / reactor
Do you drip pure salfuric asid into reaction vessel onto naci or just u know just plain SALT which is soked in 30-33% HCI asid?

I’m happy if I made you laugh with my por spelling but it is what it is and and don’t care becuse anyone who I say can write perfect with GPT in there hands. I’m just keepingit real and human ;6
Hello friends, I have a question at minute: 5:14: What did he put?
He was making the gas generator.. ( NaCl plus H2SO4, or H2SO4 plus HCl (aqueous) (muriatic acid) to generate hydrogen chloride gas to precipitate the meth out of solution. As the gas will be converting it from methamphetamine freebase to meth hydrochloride. which is when it then becomes water soluble.
thanks, man
He was making the gas generator.. ( NaCl plus H2SO4, or H2SO4 plus HCl (aqueous) (muriatic acid) to generate hydrogen chloride gas to precipitate the meth out of solution. As the gas will be converting it from methamphetamine freebase to meth hydrochloride. which is when it then becomes water soluble.

But meth hydrochloride Does it dissolve in water directly or does it need a solvent?
thanks, man

But meth hydrochloride Does it dissolve in water directly or does it need a solvent?
I'm pretty sure that meth HCl (MethAmphetamine, MA) is soluble in water. Water acts like a solvent. HCl salts are generally soluble in water. Speed (Amphetamine HCl, Amp HCl, EthylAmphetamine HCl, EA HCl) is soluble in water. Propylhexedrine HCl and Norpropylhexedrine HCl is soluble in water.
Propylhexedrine Carbonate (Propylhexedrine plus fresh seltzer H2CO3) dissolves in water. Propylhexedrine Acetate (Propylhexedrine freebase plus distilled white vinegar or glacial acetic acid) dissolves in water.

Propylhexedrine is 1/4 the strength of Amphetamine and works way better than crappy L-Methamphetamine or L-Amphetamine or L-Ethylamphetamine. Racemic Amphetamine, Racemic Methamphetamine, Racemic Ethylamphetamine, D-Amphetamine, D-MethAmphetamine, and D-EthylAmphetamine is better though.
Methiopropamine (MPA) and 3-FA (3-Fluoroamphetamine) is somewhere in the grey area.
Do you add 37% hydrochloric acid? How do you crystallize? I do it by creating hcl gas with sulfuric acid and cooking salt but it doesn't crystallize very well.

Yes, after adding acid so little boiling that and put it in a cold place,waiting for crystal
What is the use of sodium chloride in this reaction for what reason are we using it?
Hi, how look proces crystalization after last step ,how change that Salt what we recive in nice clear crystal ? That must leave for couple days in aceton,worm pleace? Can you explain how exacly change finish product from video in crystal ready to consuption.
Please answer ,im from Europe.
Hi, how look proces crystalization after last step ,how change that Salt what we recive in nice clear crystal ? That must leave for couple days in aceton,worm pleace? Can you explain how exacly change finish product from video in crystal ready to consuption.
Please answer ,im from Europe.
There is a video tutorial with detailed explanation in it's dedicated topic how to separate isomers and grow crystals. Please, read and watch. Also, d,l-meth recrystallization video will be posted soon.
I really need your assistance, in my second attempt to produce meth using P2P, am at final stage of evaporation to crystalization and i got some evaporated crystals , Please can I wash with ethyl acetate or diethyl acetate,
There is a video tutorial with detailed explanation in it's dedicated topic how to separate isomers and grow crystals. Please, read and watch. Also, d,l-meth recrystallization video will be posted soon.
Thx ,that a lot help my,I can repat proces couple times to recive big white crystal or is not possilble with p2p?i have more qustion method p2np >p2p with Nabh4 it's importat low temperat ? What's happening if my isopropanol have 15-20° it's still possilble reduction? With methods is cheap one,simply to reduction p2np it' s any metod simply reduction like put in carnister at left for week two? Of course with simply chemical product ,availble at shop.Last qustion in eter i can do immeditly crystal?
How many pH have base 4 in process crystalization.
Regards for all info
I can repat proces couple times to recive big white crystal or is not possilble with p2p?
Have you read the topic I told you? Your talking nonsense.

I don't understand your questions. Please, write me DM clearly. I'll try to help you.
Have you read the topic I told you? Your talking nonsense.

I don't understand your questions. Please, write me DM clearly. I'll try to help you.
Sorry i don't speak in english long time ago.I want know how can do quickly crystal ,without waiting it's possible? i see long time my friends do that(he use tablets and method with Red) .Crystal in video look very small how do big stone like finger ?
Sir i have a doubt in this procedure
No heating is required for the entire process? And why reflux condenser is attached if not heat is provided ?
Hello, the reaction is exothermic. An external heating isn't required.

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Synthesis of Amphetamines (Phenylethylamines)
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