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That was the longest meth synth I have ever seen in my life, and extremely old fashion, overkill of silica, overkill of solvent. End product heavily contaminated. You obviously have good lab skills, but that's all in my opinion. I would make this within 10-12 hrs in same yield and definitely much less contaminated and snow white end product (re-crystallize at least twice) in same yield or even a few grams more.
That was the longest meth synth I have ever seen in my life, and extremely old fashion, overkill of silica, overkill of solvent. End product heavily contaminated. You obviously have good lab skills, but that's all in my opinion. I would make this within 10-12 hrs in same yield and definitely much less contaminated and snow white end product (re-crystallize at least twice) in same yield or even a few grams more.
Hello. How do you determine contamination by its appearance, dear chemist? We are looking forward your synthesis report on the Forum. Prove your words please.
Again extracting with DCM amphetamines, overkill of silica and sulfate but this is the only way of doing it with methylamine water solution, i have experience preparing the imine with methanolic methylamine, add nabh4 in portions and stir for 24H, 90% conversation imine to amine.
That was the longest meth synth I have ever seen in my life, and extremely old fashion, overkill of silica, overkill of solvent. End product heavily contaminated. You obviously have good lab skills, but that's all in my opinion. I would make this within 10-12 hrs in same yield and definitely much less contaminated and snow white end product (re-crystallize at least twice) in same yield or even a few grams more.
It's almost a 100% conversion of the P2P and it's pH 1 of course it's gonna be pink if you don't recrystallize lol :ROFLMAO: Report your synthesis in detail if it's that good please.
Hello. How do you determine contamination by its appearance, dear chemist? We are looking forward your synthesis report on the Forum. Prove your words please.
I have done this since 1991 Mr. Patton. "Cooking" we did in EU back in the 1980s-1990s, 2000-2018 it was all Parr Shakers and Büchi reactors (also home build from SS school kitchen food cooking supply) or cheap reactors imported from India. But last 2-3 years most mid to mega labs years works almost exclusively with ultrasound. By cooking molecules crash / mix into each other now & then (that's why it takes time), at pressure things gets going on much faster + higher yield + cleaner. With ultrasound molecules crash into each other 10 000's times per second at an incredible speed nothing else can match and you have your product in a few hrs. I enjoy watching the videos here, they are very well made, but the chemistry here is stone age and nothing for me. I'm retired, I quit this 2 yrs ago.

If you wonder how we lately made dextro-meth (ICE direct, without racemat DL- separation)... import CAS 16251-45-9 from China (can only be bought in minimum 2.5 Kgs drum, price 844 USD/Kg), methylate it (super simple), then hydrogenation that intermediate 4 hrs, super fast simple ulra clean non-hazard non-contaminated reaction at only 2 atm, 90-95% yield.
It's the most fool proof method I have ever came across during my +30 in the underground speed manufacture in Benelux

I have done this since 1991 Mr. Patton. "Cooking" we did in EU back in the 1980s-1990s, 2000-2018 it was all Parr Shakers and Büchi reactors (also home build from SS school kitchen food cooking supply) or cheap reactors imported from India. But last 2-3 years most mid to mega labs years works almost exclusively with ultrasound. By cooking molecules crash / mix into each other now & then (that's why it takes time), at pressure things gets going on much faster + higher yield + cleaner. With ultrasound molecules crash into each other 10 000's times per second at an incredible speed nothing else can match and you have your product in a few hrs. I enjoy watching the videos here, they are very well made, but the chemistry here is stone age and nothing for me. I'm retired, I quit this 2 yrs ago.

If you wonder how we lately made dextro-meth (ICE direct, without racemat DL- separation)... import CAS 16251-45-9 from China (can only be bought in minimum 2.5 Kgs drum, price 844 USD/Kg), methylate it (super simple), then hydrogenation that intermediate 4 hrs, super fast simple ulra clean non-hazard non-contaminated reaction at only 2 atm, 90-95% yield.
It's the most fool proof method I have ever came across during my +30 in the underground speed manufacture in Benelux

Any serious cooker should invest in an AMAR Equipments reactor, the worlds most cheap high quality reactors, it's really good stuff and quality definitely comparable to EU-made stuff that cost 500% more. You cn have a very goof one 5L AMAR reactor 2500psi with electric stirrer & heating/cooling mantlef or below $10,000
import CAS 16251-45-9 from China (can only be bought in minimum 2.5 Kgs drum, price 844 USD/Kg)
It's interesting, but this modern method will be commercially impractical. Meth from this NaBH4 stone-age method 1kg cost approximately 483 kg per kg (but racemic one) in accordance current market prices for reagents. It's at a first glance evaluation. Nevertheless, thanks for your minds.
Cualquier cocina seria debería invertir en un reactor de AMAR Equipments, los reactores de alta calidad más baratos del mundo, es material realmente bueno y de calidad definitivamente comparable a los fabricados en la UE que cuestan un 500% más. Puede tener un reactor AMAR de 5 litros y 2500 psi muy tonto con agitador eléctrico y manto de calefacción/refrigeración o menos de $ 10,000
Está muy bien todo lo que nos cuentas y no es que dude de tus 30 años de fabricación. Pero la esencia de este foro es compartir los conocimientos que tienes con los demás e incluso puedes aprender algo de algún miembro del foro, aunque lo dudo porque crees que ya lo sabes todo. Si es así, no sé por qué pierdes el tiempo en lugares como este...
Any serious cooker should invest in an AMAR Equipments reactor, the worlds most cheap high quality reactors, it's really good stuff and quality definitely comparable to EU-made stuff that cost 500% more. You cn have a very goof one 5L AMAR reactor 2500psi with electric stirrer & heating/cooling mantlef or below $10,000
Everything you tell us is very good and it's not that I doubt your 30 years of manufacturing. But the essence of this forum is about sharing the knowledge you have with others and you may even learn something from a member of the forum, although I doubt it because you think you already know everything. If so, I don't know why you waste your time on places like this......
For stage 1

Is it like that to make a methylamine solution into IPA ?

So, if i replace the ipa by methanol is it going to work?

Even if the methylamine boiling point is around −6.6 to −6.0 °C; 20.0 to 21.1 °F isnt going to evaporate once i open the the flask?
Is it like that to make a methylamine solution into IPA ?
Hello, yes. Also, it's need to get rid of the more water as possible.
So, if i replace the ipa by methanol is it going to work?
The synthesis method will be different with video.
isnt going to evaporate once i open the the flask?
It will be dissolved in IPA, but it evaporates quite fast. You have to keep it in a back mind during manipulations and do them quickly. That's why the flask have to be sealed.
Yes i was looking to do some methylamine solution into methanol and now nearly impossible to get solution ready made so ill have to go from:
Methylamine hcl to methylamine into water then
Methylamine into methanol
Ill have to do like this but instead of the ipa ill use methanol ?

Ps: ive tried your way to do by distilation with pre dried the fume and silica gel into methanol to receve the methylamine but ive gone up to 80 and no weight was added.into the methanol and methanol was around more than -30°c
Excellent synthesis, professionally made.
I will add a few ideas from myself:
1. Isopropyl alcohol with aqueous solution of methylamine and then drain the solution with a drainage is not very effective, the drainage can not absorb all the water. It is much easier to saturate the aqueous solution of methylamin with salt and the excretion of methylamine gas is passed over anhydrous alkali, then dissolve gas in cold alcohol.
2. The torn mixing made sure of the techniques, that is, to the suspension of sodium borhydrid in alcohol, a solution of ready -made Imin is buried in alcohol. Justified by a decrease in the probability of hydrolysis.
3. After the recovery stage, it seems to me it is much more convenient to distill, there is no water in the solution, you can not be afraid of steam distillation. The second option to add sulfuric acid to an acidic reaction and also distill alcohol, also the acid will destroy derivatives, and then dissolve the remainder in alkaline water and collect the free base of the amin with dichlormethane.
I am a chemistry enthusiast. There are many teachers here. I hope someone can teach me. Thank you very much.
would yall let the man cook. these videos are clean, did you see how he quenched the hcl. yall all talk a good game but this guys putting on a clinic and has enough balls to put a video on the clearnet. salute to you sir
Are there risks in manufacturing a large amount of ice and what are they likely to be?
I have been reading this site for a while. Thanks for gathering valid information and putting it on one place.
The video is amazing like always. However, I have some questions. Can someone just use methylamine into an alcohol base instead? E.g. absolute ethanol. Just to avoid the water....

Also can someone just use Sodium cyanoborohydride instead, if so, how to avoid the hydrogen cyanide (HCN)? Any other tips with this chemical as well? Thanks.
I have done this since 1991 Mr. Patton. "Cooking" we did in EU back in the 1980s-1990s, 2000-2018 it was all Parr Shakers and Büchi reactors (also home build from SS school kitchen food cooking supply) or cheap reactors imported from India. But last 2-3 years most mid to mega labs years works almost exclusively with ultrasound. By cooking molecules crash / mix into each other now & then (that's why it takes time), at pressure things gets going on much faster + higher yield + cleaner. With ultrasound molecules crash into each other 10 000's times per second at an incredible speed nothing else can match and you have your product in a few hrs. I enjoy watching the videos here, they are very well made, but the chemistry here is stone age and nothing for me. I'm retired, I quit this 2 yrs ago.

If you wonder how we lately made dextro-meth (ICE direct, without racemat DL- separation)... import CAS 16251-45-9 from China (can only be bought in minimum 2.5 Kgs drum, price 844 USD/Kg), methylate it (super simple), then hydrogenation that intermediate 4 hrs, super fast simple ulra clean non-hazard non-contaminated reaction at only 2 atm, 90-95% yield.
It's the most fool proof method I have ever came across during my +30 in the underground speed manufacture in Benelux


This is extreamly interesting.. have you anymore detail on this method?

That was the longest meth synth I have ever seen in my life, and extremely old fashion, overkill of silica, overkill of solvent. End product heavily contaminated. You obviously have good lab skills, but that's all in my opinion. I would make this within 10-12 hrs in same yield and definitely much less contaminated and snow white end product (re-crystallize at least twice) in same yield or even a few grams more.
Hello. I have read quite a few articles about methamphetamine. too many formulas, it makes me confused. Do you have a simplified way to synthesize P2P into methamphetamine? please guide me
That was the longest meth synth I have ever seen in my life, and extremely old fashion, overkill of silica, overkill of solvent. End product heavily contaminated. You obviously have good lab skills, but that's all in my opinion. I would make this within 10-12 hrs in same yield and definitely much less contaminated and snow white end product (re-crystallize at least twice) in same yield or even a few grams more.
is there an efficient way to make 1KG
i did calculate for 1kg
2 L methylamine 40% aqueous solution
500 g silica gel
6 L isopropyl alcohol
1.5 kg anhydrous sodium sulfate
4 kg silica gel
1 L P2P
300 g sodium borohydride
5 L dcm
2 kg nh4cl
1 L Sulfuric acid
1 L ethyl acetate
and the most crazy thing is the 10 L reactor, so that is pass for me
what i can do is i could repeat the video and yeld 100g and regain dcm and silica gel but what is the is the remaining compounds in the separatory funnel and can i distill the ethyl acetate in the filtration funnel
what i need, what i ask, is there an cost efficient way ?
Everything you tell us is very good and it's not that I doubt your 30 years of manufacturing. But the essence of this forum is about sharing the knowledge you have with others and you may even learn something from a member of the forum, although I doubt it because you think you already know everything. If so, I don't know why you waste your time on places like this......
I don't, I look here twice a year or so

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Synthesis of Amphetamines (Phenylethylamines)
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