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Methamphetamine from ephedrine tablets via red P

Methamphetamine from ephedrine tablets via red P on the kitchen.
Special thanks to @the money for this video!
On the Moscow route, a spherical condenser tube was used for reflux, but the white smoke in the video was not produced. Is this normal?
Hello everyone, I wish you a good forum, I am in the process of procuring materials, I will follow the steps in the video exactly, I wonder why methamphetamine does not crystallize in the last part, is it harmful to consume it in this form, do we need to do a separate process for its crystallization?
Hello, yes, it's harmful to consume methamphetamine free base. Yes, you need to carry out its crystallization. I cannot answer you why didn't your meth crystalized because don't know your manipulations sequence. If you want to get help, please, write in DM with detailed description.
First of all, thank you for your sharing. Secondly, I have several questions to ask you,
1. In the video, how much is the temperature of mixing red phosphorus, iodine and ephedrine for an hour and a half?
2. Sodium thiosulfate is not used in the video. Red Devil Lye What is this? Are they a substitute? If not, what about using sodium thiosulfate?
3. Sulphuric acid cannot be bought in my country. Can HCL gas be replaced by HCL solid?
Red devil lye is a commercial drain cleaner that tends to offer the best purity for easily accessible sodium hydroxide.
In the early video it shows that one of the reagent is Acetone/Methonal, but i didn't see the usage throughout the video. Am i missing something?
what is the proportion of the reagents? I tell you referring to pseudoephedrine, iodine and red phosphorus. is it 1:1:1?
Hello there! I don't think I've watched this video, but am very experienced with this synthnfrom the "Good Old Days" and I can say for sure that you want a 1-1-1/3 That's 1 to 1 iodine and effedrine, to 1/3 Red P. Eg. 100g iodine 100g.ephedrin 33.3 grams Red Phosphorous (as catylist)
Hope that helps my friend, and good luck!

what is the proportion of the reagents? I tell you referring to pseudoephedrine, iodine and red phosphorus. is it 1:1:1?
Hello there! I don't think I've watched this video, but am very experienced with this synthnfrom the "Good Old Days" and I can say for sure that you want a 1-1-1/3 That's 1 to 1 iodine and effedrine, to 1/3 Red P. Eg. 100g iodine 100g.ephedrin 33.3 grams Red Phosphorous (as catylist)
Hope that helps my friend, and good luck!
Thank you very much, it helped me a lot😃
Oh and also, is muriatic acid and calcium chloride a viable way to produce hcl gas or is it better to use muriatic and tin foil to generate gas? Setup an rdbf with Sulfuric acid in it and with muriatic acid in an addition funnel into a neck in a second neck have a cutoff hose adapter go to bubbling piece so the gas produced by HCl and H2SO4 is dried then have the outflow go to another flask that is empty this is our over flow flask from our overflow flask we connect to a sealed chambered flask with our base in the appropriate solvent I usually use a piece of tube punctured through a plug or septa and a small pressure relief line is installed leading to your exhaust system. Our biggest worry here is back flow so we need to maintain positive pressure with cl2 gas.... shut bbgate you want to do a wrote up with pivoted to answer this question?
Is there any chance for making a real and detail video from the start until the end step by step including the measurement of each compound for this Red P route like the other videos in here? Because it looks like this kinda route is the only one that have an old and unprofessional video. I really appreciate if Red P route also have the equal chance and treatment to be made in a proper and professional way like the other meth synthesis route in here. Thank you in advance.
Hello, I have 120 mg pseudoephedrine pills but they contain 5 mg Loratadine as an active ingredient. which pseudo and Loratadine are insoluble in water How can I extract only the pseudoephedrine?
I just looked at my hydrochloric acid bottle and the concentration says 37.4% so it is not super concentrated. and since I am still learning, I am just doing small scale reactions..I put about 1 tablespoon of calcium chloride in an empty rinsed out shampoo bottle with a small hose attached and add just enough acid to cover calcium chloride and shake gently..In about a minute it generated enough gas by squeezing bottle to precipitate crystals...and since there is no pressure to speak of, I just fold the tubing over when I am finished and leave it seems to remain active for about a week or so to be re used...
I am just a beginner but maybe this helps you a bit.
Well, you're lucky. Or are you even serious? 37,4 % HCL is about 100%
what is the yield in terms of ephedrine use

i have contacts with manufactures From whom i can source pseudoephedrine and ephedrine CAS 90-82-4 powder and bmk CAS Number 5449-12-7 i have really good relationship with them for pseudoephedrine it cost me $1500 per kg and for BMK it cost me $30 for kg i want to know which has the higest yield in terms of price and which is good for the quality

if i go throw via red P method for pseudoephedrine and p2p to meth for bmk

also can i follow the same process like in this video if i have a complete powder form of pseudoephedrine powder 91-95% purity
Hii can you share me the contact for getting pure ephedrine powder
once I get the methamphetamine base from the vid [the finish product is methamphetamine hydroxide?]what’s my next green horn step this is for personal so I don’t care about hoops just the lift .tired of the chems the Mexicans are putting in it . Thanks a bunch I’m in atlanta ga, usa
Ps are all the Steps the same or has any of it been sure the help is in here but I need the proper talk for what I need to do next
Hey guys how’s it going been reading all your stuff for the past few weeks and I’ve got . Only issue is I’ve been going around d getting the BTC Sudafeds the 60mg ones with red coating according to the information 100 pill should contain 6g of pseudo I managed to get 3.5 using ethanol. Can anyone help me out to source some please. Been looking on Dark net but I keep seeing multiple items with same images for example ephedrine is being sold with same images as pseudo and prices range dramatically please someone help me out much appreciated
wish they would sale red phosphorus and think they have a wway building a smoke scrubber using two gas cans
and think you can use a special condenser hooked to gas cans from commercial gas scrubbers that cost a lot for a small lab
and there is a gas scrubber powder you can buy to put into water that mixes with smoke
Hello everyone, are pseudoephedrine and ephedrine hydrochloride the same? The Enurace tablets only say ephedrine hydrochloride, which is that? d or l or racemate?
The amount of water is not that important. You just want enough so that the ingredients mix and react thoroughly. It should mix and melt into a very dark black/silvery liquid with a yellow/red tint. During the reaction it will give lots of tiny metallic bubbles and yellow smoke and this is how we know the reaction is still taking place, that iodine is still being consumed. This is HI vapor but also phosgene gas. When the reaction is complete, it will not boil with the small shiny bubbles or give off a yellow vapor. You will add water to the reaction mass anyway for the filtering step and if you add too much it can be reduced anyway. You must make sure to filter the reaction extremely well. It should become a clear yellow liquid. If there is any red color then it is RP and iodine impurity and must be filtered more carefully. Try sticking a cotton ball inside a funnel rather than coffee filters.
whats the name of the method? and do i need to buy some chemicals like pseudoephedrine and acids on the dark web? and how do i make sure no gases get free in my house... maybe a vacuumer holding onto the reaction glass? and for the heating is it possible to heat things up with the kitchen heater where you cook your meal? thanks to whoever will ask all my questions XD
I just cannot wrap my head around this comment section over this video, it's literally numbered into "6" steps!
Doesn't say anything about mysterious 7th step or -1.3 step
.simply 1-6, knowing what the terms in the proper context (as in you can't explain any simpler because hell we might as well make it for you) the sheer ignorance and over thinking about such pad antic questions almost strikes a nerve in my brain, it's like watching someone with a PHD in psychology analysis of an episode of SpongeBob, I'm just here like stuck in my head wondering Why!?
It's like 🤔 what if we scaled down to maybe 1/10 of the entire process and view results, if results= positive 👍 if results=negative, while documenting process then share with a private obfuscated pathway or hell even a shift cipher, or substitution cipher with key to further in obfuscation of things not to say openly for even if a topic isn't clear in wording and cryptography is involved explaining a jumble mess of letters can be so much easier to explain then asking flat out, some of y'all are to smart for your own good, My heart goes out to @G.Patton you have the patience of a saint. My heart goes out to you for your level headed responses to some of these infuriating comments, it's admirable to say the least. For some of the rest of you there is a term called K I S S (Start there) if unsure what that means, well that's why Google exist. Good day.
whats the name of the method? and do i need to buy some chemicals like pseudoephedrine and acids on the dark web? and how do i make sure no gases get free in my house... maybe a vacuumer holding onto the reaction glass? and for the heating is it possible to heat things up with the kitchen heater where you cook your meal? thanks to whoever will ask all my questions XD
Nagai, Moscow, red p cook, red white and blue. Maybe you can get everything locally. You use ventilation like an exhaust fan in a window to lead the fumes outside at the very least, you shouldn't be attempting this in your bedroom. Yes, it is possible to cook on your stove, feel free to do so.

Someone call a custodian..
Nagai, Moscow, red p cook, red white and blue. Maybe you can get everything locally. You use ventilation like an exhaust fan in a window to lead the fumes outside at the very least, you shouldn't be attempting this in your bedroom. Yes, it is possible to cook on your stove, feel free to do so.

Someone call a custodian..
That's a clever way of saying a fume hood, but equally the use of red white and blue, that brings back memories of some people I remembered from back in the pirate Rogers days. But yeah I'm like good Lord that's hilarious, your keeping the wholesomeness of this videos spirit alive and I love it. Its blunt honest, raw, with light dark humorous undertones. 8/10 🐾✔️ kats paw of approval.
I can't imagine what people outside of NA and most of EU think when they see this video... whether or not to take it serious.
FOR THE NEW BEES TRYING TO FIGURE OUT THIS VIDEO: "Does this actually show how to make meth?"
The honest answer is YES and NO.

These instructions are given as a loose outline of the procedure. He is not actually doing it on the video. These are props. You will realize this when you go to attempt it. For someone who wants to make meth and doesn't know ANYTHING about where to begin, this is a great video, it isn't until you go to attempt it that you realize there are steps missing, incomplete steps, poor technique. your stuff doesn't look like his, etc..You'll end up screwing up a dozen times trying to follow this method only from this video, but you need to pay your dues and learn the hard way like the rest of us. If you want to learn about this, find as many instructions or recipes for a red P cook, or however you wanna call it, and read them all and compare everything they do and talk about and figure out why. After you learn all your safety and techniques and understand everything etc, then AND ONLY THEN, should you start trying to attempt this shit, and start bothering people with questions about getting ingredients about what to do with them.

This is not a joke. It is dangerous, you could die, you'll probably mess yourself up really bad and end up in jail wishing you woulda just died quick. Don't teach yourself "how to make meth", teach yourself CHEMISTRY, and learn enough to figure out how to reduce meth safely - If you have half a brain, it wont take very long. That way, you dont have to beg somebody for help every step of the way or whenever something goes wrong. The person you go to depend on to help your synthesis might be some teenager pretending to be an artist and when he tells you to do something and it sprays corrosive acid all over your poor grandmother, you gonna wish you took the time to figure it out for yourself instead of listening to some stranger on the internet.

Consider reducing ep/pse your rite of passage. If you cant figure this out on your own with the information that has already been provided on this site and maybe some hints, then chemistry probably isn't for you. If you don't have any drive or show initiative and you're not developing the skill to teach yourself and progress safely, then you are not going to get too far, noone is going to do it for you. All the steps are already all here, so if it doesn't make sense to you as they are, what do you think it will help if someone types them to you? I haven't seen ONE person follow through, and the people I've talked to know I have spent ALOT of time with them explaining and helping them understand, just for them to disappear. Hopefully I got them to realize this wasn't in their cards and they were better off just dealing or something. I don't know why everyone insists on calling themself a cook and trying to play the part when they gotta come on here and ask for help with the first step doing a one step reduction with OTC shit...
Have you come across the one with the guy explaining how to go from meth to ephedrine because of the restrictions making of higher value? It's pretty fn funny I'll try to dig it up can't quite remember were I found it but I'm sure it's somewhere in the hundreds of bookmarks
I can't imagine what people outside of NA and most of EU think when they see this video... whether or not to take it serious.
FOR THE NEW BEES TRYING TO FIGURE OUT THIS VIDEO: "Does this actually show how to make meth?"
The honest answer is YES and NO.

These instructions are given as a loose outline of the procedure. He is not actually doing it on the video. These are props. You will realize this when you go to attempt it. For someone who wants to make meth and doesn't know ANYTHING about where to begin, this is a great video, it isn't until you go to attempt it that you realize there are steps missing, incomplete steps, poor technique. your stuff doesn't look like his, etc..You'll end up screwing up a dozen times trying to follow this method only from this video, but you need to pay your dues and learn the hard way like the rest of us. If you want to learn about this, find as many instructions or recipes for a red P cook, or however you wanna call it, and read them all and compare everything they do and talk about and figure out why. After you learn all your safety and techniques and understand everything etc, then AND ONLY THEN, should you start trying to attempt this shit, and start bothering people with questions about getting ingredients about what to do with them.

This is not a joke. It is dangerous, you could die, you'll probably mess yourself up really bad and end up in jail wishing you woulda just died quick. Don't teach yourself "how to make meth", teach yourself CHEMISTRY, and learn enough to figure out how to reduce meth safely - If you have half a brain, it wont take very long. That way, you dont have to beg somebody for help every step of the way or whenever something goes wrong. The person you go to depend on to help your synthesis might be some teenager pretending to be an artist and when he tells you to do something and it sprays corrosive acid all over your poor grandmother, you gonna wish you took the time to figure it out for yourself instead of listening to some stranger on the internet.

Consider reducing ep/pse your rite of passage. If you cant figure this out on your own with the information that has already been provided on this site and maybe some hints, then chemistry probably isn't for you. If you don't have any drive or show initiative and you're not developing the skill to teach yourself and progress safely, then you are not going to get too far, noone is going to do it for you. All the steps are already all here, so if it doesn't make sense to you as they are, what do you think it will help if someone types them to you? I haven't seen ONE person follow through, and the people I've talked to know I have spent ALOT of time with them explaining and helping them understand, just for them to disappear. Hopefully I got them to realize this wasn't in their cards and they were better off just dealing or something. I don't know why everyone insists on calling themself a cook and trying to play the part when they gotta come on here and ask for help with the first step doing a one step reduction with OTC shit...
Omg I couldn't imagine a newbie trying to copy this video verbatim, Like breathing in those fumes like your not gonna cough like it's not a big deal, your ass gonna fall out halfway to dying. Also they forgot to mention the parts where you could either burst into a fireball of death and burn alive with glass shards having ripped you into a bloody mess breathing in death, fire, and (basically alot of explosive shit and high pressures and just ALOT of Horrible horrible ways to die) I mean speaking for myself, I can most definitely say that there was always a sense of feeling like "Oh My Fucking Lord, I am Literally a few layers of glass from 100% Death, this shit isn't worth fucking dying over making, Just 4 more hours and I'm good, I'm good , I'm good, Just take your time, Don't let it sit to long, Watch the temps, what's the ph" Yeah I definitely remember Alot of terror moments, of hooking shit up or moving something from 1 spot to another and feeling extremely uncomfortable. I don't recommend anyone do especially if you don't know what the fuck your doing, there are way more forgiving things to make, like DMT, yeah that's like what red dye everywhere, and a fat mess to clean up and explain the red stains that won't come out vs Dead. I mean who am I y'know, Nobody but still it's not the funniest thing to be in the process of making and feeling like a winner... If you felt super confident while making the shit hey more power to you, id rather juggle chainsaws doing a handstand. That's just me.

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Synthesis of Amphetamines (Phenylethylamines)
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