Hello to you ! I've been browsing this site for a few days looking for knowledge and experience ! And I am really very happy to have found so much! So Thanks.
For as much I always ask myself some question which could help other person who like me one can of experiment, are curious to learn. So...
Hello, I've recently come across a local connection who's able to provide me with [~92%] PMK oil.
I've been reading various PMK -> MDMA synth guides on here and other forums, however I'm finding myself asking more questions than the guides are answering.
Somebody recommended I try Bright...
Hiiiii my friends ,
I would like to make coke but the problem is that in my country coca leaves are forbidden and I would love to know where to get some (I already have an idea to use "Delisse coca powder" but I don't know if it's going to work) also I already have the recipe for cocaine but if...