
  1. B

    Small scale weed selling business advice.

    Hello! Im in need of advice. Im one of two brothers selling plain ol weed in a small city. Me and my brother are looking to move up the scale with a step or two. At this moment we sell around 40g of weed a week, with an average of 100g a month. We are simple resellers, we buy from Spain and...
  2. G

    Why is a lot of weed grown and imported from other countries? Why not grow it in your home country?

    How much is weed from other countries? Why do people not just grow and sell it themself? I know coke is about 2000 a kilo shipped over to europe makes good money and it makes sense is it to do with conditions or something.But you can grow weed in europe anyway so how much is it in mexico and...
  3. A

    I am looking for Weed & Hash Vendors

    Looking for a vendor 
    I am looking for proven suppliers of Weed and Hash. I will buy bulk quantities every week. Can you recommend someone?
  4. cubesquare

    Fentanyl infused weed. Is this a real thing?

    Today I came across a statement by a weed vendor in a DNM where they claimed that a very high %age of weed in the EU is now laced with fent. I have spent some time reading UNODC documents trying to see if this is mentioned anywhere and I found ZERO mention in the cannabis section. In the...
  5. P

    How can i get my Money back Form a Customer?

    A while ago I started selling weed in my town.I sold some to a guy and he told me he gives me the money in 2 days.Now we owe me money and he dont want to pay me.Does somebody know a method how can i get my money back.I‘m open for any idea‘s.
  6. I

    Looking for weed seeds

    Looking for a trusted vendor to ship weed seeds to my country for me. I am looking for a strain with small plants that is ready to harvest in 8 weeks, outdoor growing. I am new to this website and from what I searched no one here offers this service so other suggestions might be helpful. I will...
  7. coke199

    How to add cannabinoids to weed buds? [Ask for method]

    Hi, Can you guys suggest a simple method to add noids to weed buds to be ready for smoke? I think that spraying is good method. If yes, So What's the steps to make cannabinoid spray? What is chems needed other than the noid? What is the quantity for this formula? Thank you BB community.
  8. coke199

    How to add cannabinoids to weed buds?

    Hi, Can you guys suggest a simple method to add noids to weed buds to be ready for smoke? I think that spraying is good method. If yes, So What's the steps to make cannabinoid spray? What is chems needed other than the noid? What is the quantity for this formula? Thank you BB community
  9. nob0dy

    I'm looking for a ebook of how to cook high THC gummies

    Hello, I'm looking for a ebook of how to cook high THC gummies thanks