maybe this can sound annoying or excessively stupid of me, or maybe its the loose definitions thrown around all the time. When you guys say "the one that is solid", does that mean CAS 13605-48-6 or the 28578-16-7 in alleged "powder" form, and is there such thing? What do the chinese mean by powder 28578-16-7? It is my noob preconception that if there is a substance, it has it's own cas, if there is some salt of it, it's a different CAS.
So at the end of the day I would finally like to know what would the best procedure for CAS 13605-48-6 be? If it is the procedure previously described and referred to the Sydney bust, how can one optimize the maximum total volume in the flood ( for 35g, the paper indicates 600ml flood, very unpractical and troublesome)? And how can the copper step from the procedurebe skipped (using hcl?)
thanks everyone