The synthesis of Cocaine displayed here is not very worth it.
The price for tea can be around 70EUR/Kg, the price for leavs 38EUR/Kg.
According to this synthesis you'd need around 210Kg of Tea to fullfill this synthesis which would drive the cost of the tea alone to 14.700EUR for 1Kg of Cocaine.
As for the leavs it is said that between 750-1.000Kg of leavs are needed to synthesize 1Kg of pure Cocaine, which would bring the price up to 28.500 - 38.000EUR for the leavs alone you'd need for 1 Kg of Cocaine.
For your reference: Farmes in South America get payed between 0.5 - 3EUR for 1Kg of leavs, depending on how they are dried before selling them (low prices for undried leavs, higher prices for air dried leavs). The price for leavs/tea would need to be reduced by a lot to make this synthesis ready for commercial use. If you can manage to find a good vendor for coca leavs/tea it could be worth ti pursue, otherwise not really.
Regardeless, it is still a cool synthesis and I might do it as I like cocaine and would love to try to make my own..but not for commercial use