
Don't buy from me
May 6, 2024
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Hey everyone, we're currently having some issues with our current supplier, mainly in regards to product quality and the quantities currently coming through our doors. We believe our organisation is currently too big to be dealing with the current problems we are facing. Because of this reason we're currently searching for potential new suppliers who are looking to build a long-term business relationship with us.

We're currently looking for:

- Coke
- Meth
- Ketamine

We are one of the most involved, notorious and largest organisations in Australia with a large influence over the drug trade here.
We have a large control over the sale, distribution and movement of anything in bulk amounts domestically. We also have control and alliances with several other crime families and organisations in Australia, also including several of the biggest AU darknet online vendors.

We can talk all day about how much power and control we have here in Australia, or we could also talk about the countless number of resources and connections we have, but we are not here for that. We are here to offer the opportunity to make millions of dollars within a short period of time.
Our highly sophisticated and large network and organisation + a consistent pipeline of large shipments of high quality product = millions and millions of dollars easily. With this opportunity there is an unimaginable amount of money to be made, those who are smart will be able to see this, those who are simple minded will not be able to.

We are looking for like-minded people that share the same long term vision as us and is able to meet our demands.
We are not looking to do one-off deals, we need a supplier that is willing to work and compromise with us for the long run.
We believe that more money is to be made through the long run, so we want to build a well-lasting brotherhood and partnership.
We are also not looking for people who have no experience with transporting to Australia or just looking to experiment their little shipping methods. This is an opportunity for those with experience, not for those just starting out.

Our organisation is very old school, but that doesn't mean we're stupid. Scammers, time-wasters and people who are not capable of this role, please avoid contacting us.


Don't buy from me
Dec 25, 2023
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Maybe you are a cop? Or, maybe i am a cop or we? How did you like that? If you and your "organizations" one of the largest organisations in Australia how you said than you would never be here asking public random people on internet for supply your "organizations" with hundreds and hundreds kilos of drugs. Thats insult even a average intelligence.
And that story "we're one of the largest organisations in Australia" at the end always looks ridiculous. Even a average group in this game wouldn't ever say we are this or we are that, they are discreetly. Especially "one of the largest organisations" no need to say any. So stop fucking around with people here and goodluck with everything.


Don't buy from me
May 6, 2024
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From the beginning we have openly advertised as being one of the largest organizations in Australia for the purpose of finding people that have similar experience working on a large scale like our organization, or that have the necessary resources and manpower to keep up with our demands, wants, goals and vision. Do you think we would like to work with a manufacturer that is only able to produce 2-3KG of MD every 2 months? You watch Narcos and movies too much mate, we do not say we're a large organization for the purpose of bragging, or whatever ideas you have in your head, our only objective is to find someone capable that has the necessary experience & resources to work alongside us, that's it. Our aim is to find like-minded/similar people as ourselves.
And when we say we're one of the largest organizations that doesn't necessarily mean we sell the most amount of product in Australia, but instead we refer to our control over the market and prices, our resources and connections, and our power and reach which are all things that determine and make an organization "successful" or "large", not just based on the factor of who moves the most amount of product.

You say "public random people on the internet", but let me ask you one thing. Apart from networking in real life and other means, what better resource or forum out there is better suited to find people that might be capable for this role? We believe that on this forum there are scammers, time-wasters and even law enforcement lurking around, but on the opposite end there are a number of people here who are more than capable of this role, who are massive suppliers & manufacturers, or people who have access to the necessary resources to produce/supply the amounts of product we're looking for, and so forth, so do you insult these people who are doing larger things than you by saying they're "random people on the internet"?

You couldn't begin to understand to understand what's behind on the other side of the screen, but I do not blame you. You lack knowledge & experience in this field, which is why I don't blame you for the way you think, and why you proceeded to comment something that is very far from the truth. We kindly ask you to refrain from continuing to comment bullshit on our post and for you to keep on lurking on BB which is what it seems like you normally do.
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Don't buy from me
May 6, 2024
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We would also like to provide more clarity on the topic of transportation.

We want to say that we can assist with transportation, and even potentially handle the entire transport process from our side, however this would usually only be the case for medium to larger shipments. We would not use all our efforts, resources and connections for small or trial shipments, this is something we expect the supplier to handle at a minimum. Our organisation have very close relationships with people & insiders high-up in the transport & logistics scene, we have many warehouses & drops here in Australia, we have a number of fake companies setup, and we have other various resources & methods to greatly assist with transportation, however from a financial and risk perspective, it would not be worth it for us at all to put all these resources to use on small shipments.
Drugs can be replaced much much more easily than relationships, connections and foundations that took blood, sweat and tears to build and maintain, and so it would not make sense for us to risk and potentially burn our routes, insiders, methods and potentially even what we've built over a 3KG MDMA shipment (an example).
Furthermore if a potential supplier does not have the manpower, resources and experience to handle transport for a small shipment, how would it become easier for them when it starts coming to larger shipments?

I have made this comment just to make it aware to the potential suppliers & manufacturers out there that we're more than willing to help with transportation, and that we don't expect you to handle the entire transport & logistic process for larger shipments. If you manage to hold up your end for the first couple of small/trial shipments, and if everything checks out (quality, communication, efficiency, quantities for larger shipments ect.) then all our resources and help will be at your disposal, and everything will get much easier from there on. We understand nothing in this game is 100% guaranteed, but once our resources and assistance become accessible to you, then you will be quick to understand why everything will become more easier to pull off.

Thanks all.


Don't buy from me
May 6, 2024
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Still looking for a steady and consistent supply for:

- Coke
- Ketamine


Don't buy from me
May 6, 2024
Reaction score
We're still looking for Coke, MD, Ketamine & Meth.

Our previous arrangement with a manufacturer here for Meth unfortunately fell through. The supplier was not able to keep up with our deadlines, expectations and demands so that means we're still on the look for a steady supply for Meth.

MD & Meth is what we're primarily focusing on at the moment, and has the most demand on our side.
