Question Mescaline synthesis mishaps

David Darling

Don't buy from me
Mar 14, 2023
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I have tried to synthesize mescaline from 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzaldehyde via two different routes. Everything seemed to work well until the last step, yet no desired product was obtained. Does anyone have an idea of what might have gone wrong?

My route was in principle the following:
1) 3,4,5-trimethoxynitrostyrene from 3,4,5-tmba :

10 g of 3,4,5-tmba were disolved in an mixture of 16 ml of nitromethane in 74 ml of ethanol. The solution was cooled to 0 °C.
8.42 g of KOH were added slowly. The temperature was kept below 5 °C using an ice bath. After the mixture sat for 1 hour at 0 °C it was added to 300 ml of chilled 10 % HCL in Water. The temperature was kept below 10 °C. Yellow flakes of 3,4,5-tmns fell out of the solution and were filtered out after waiting 1 hour. The 3,4,5-tmns was only slightliy dried before it was used in the following reduction steps.

2.1) reduction method one: mescaline from 3,4,5-tmns via AlAmalgam :

about 10 g of 3,4,5-tmns were dumped into a large jar filled with 0.5 g of HgCl2 solved in 100 ml GAA, 150 ml IPA and 50 ml water.
20 g of shredded aluminum foil were added and the mixture was stirred using a magnetic stirbar. A violent reaction proceeded for about 10 minutes, the mixture was allowed to react for 5 hours afterwards. After the reaction was complete the grey sludge inside the jar was treated with a solution of 150 g KOH in 400 ml Water. The resulting orange IPA layer was seperated for subsequent workup. To obtain the mescaline hcl salt, the orange IPA layer was gassed with dry HCL gas. The gas was produced by heating a mixture of table salt and sodium bisulfate inside a testtube inside an oven. Upon introduction of the HCL gas white flakes of (what I assumed to be) Mescaline HCl fell out of the solution. After a while the solution turned from transparent orange to an deep opaque red. The fallout of white flakes stopped shortly after. The flakes where filtered and washed multiple times with IPA and chilled Acetone. The result were about 4 g of a white crystaline smellless substance. The substance was tested with Liebermann reagent. The color changed to a very very faint barely visible brown...The synthesis must have failed. But where? What is the white substance?

2.2) reduction method two: mescaline from 3,4,5-tmns via Zn/HCL

about 10 g of 3,4,5-tmns were added to a chilled solution of 300 ml 31% HCL and 200 ml IPA. The solution was cooled cooled using an ice bath and stirred using a magnetic stirrer. Zn was added at a rate of 1g per minute, a total of 50g was added. The temperature was kept below 10 ° C. After the addition of the Zn was complete, the mixture was allowed to sit for 5 hours. 393 g KOH in 800 ml Water were slowly added to the mixture, the temperature was kept below 30 °C. After another 5 hours of standing three distinct layers seperated: A white solid layer at the bottom, a slightly yellow aqueous layer in the middle and a orange IPA layer at the top. The orange IPA layer was seperated and treated with HCL gas simmilarly as in 2.1). The resulting solid was filtered out. It was white with a slight grey tint and a strong amine smell. When tested with Liebermann reagent the color changed to a deep brown/black. The sample fizzled when it came in contact with the reagent. The substance had a slightly salty taste.
1 mg, 10 mg, 100 mg and 350 mg of the substance were consumed (with one week breake inbetween for tolerance) but no psychedelic effects were noticed. On 350 mg after about 3 hours an energetic rush, equivalent to a cup of strong coffee was encountered. It seems this synthesis also failed. Is something wrong with the workup?

Ill appreciate any type of help! Thanks!

Osmosis Vanderwaal

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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"The gas was produced by heating a mixture of table salt and sodium bisulfate inside a testtube inside an oven."

This seems dubious. Na+, Na+, Cl-, HSO4- . I don't see this liberating hydrogen, there's nothing on Google suggesting it and with no aquarius principal or solvent for these to dissociate in. It seems 3 strikes. If you have any evidence of this producing hydrogen gas. You could maybe convince me it produces hydrogen chloride gas if it had a solvent
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Osmosis Vanderwaal

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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I guess I'm going to have to skim Tikal, admittedly I don't really like psychedelics and haven't spent time reading any synths

Osmosis Vanderwaal

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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First off you have to make the aluminum amalgam THEN add the 2,3,4. You add the aluminum to the mercury and let it react. What you did never formed the amalgam. This is a 1 step procedure, a hydrogenation. Where did you get these recipes? If you try again, I suggest;

  • 15g Pd/C 5%
  • 175g 3,4,5TMBnitrostyrene
  • 2.5L Anhydrous EtOH
  • 100ml 31.45% HCl

  • Add reagents to the keg, begin vigorous stirring
  • Remove atmosphere and pressurize to 75psi with H2
  • React for 8-10 hours or until H2 uptake has completely ceased
  • Evacuate H2 outside, vacuum out interior of vessel, allow H2 to clear, THEN open the vessel
  • Vacuum filter off Pd/C
  • Re-filter through celite for maximum Pd/C recovery/removal
  • Distill the mixture down until the Ethanol fraction begins to cease
  • Cool and take up what is left in 2L 3N HCl
  • Wash with 2x125ml DCM
  • Basify to pH>11 dropwise and with stirring with saturated NaOH solution
  • Extract 3x125ml DCM
  • Dry over NaSO4 (250g) for 15 minutes
  • Filter off NaSO4 and bubble DCM with HCl(g) anhydrous. After crystalization ceases it can be advantageous to filter and redry the DCM with another 100g NaSO4, then bubble some more.
  • Collect HCl salt crystals by filtration

David Darling

Don't buy from me
Mar 14, 2023
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I was unsure about this procedure too as I havent found it in any literature. Theoretically it should work analogous to how one can make Nitric acid from NaHSO4 and nitrate salts: 2 NaHSO4 + 2 KNO3 ---> 2 HNO3 + Na2SO4 + K2SO4
In the case of HCl: NaHSO4 + NaCl ---> Na2SO4 + HCl
There was definitly some gas production going on and the fumes had a very characteristic HCl smell. Ill definetly try another gassing method in the future as the produced gas is very hot and thus maybe degrading the product in some way(?)

I have to admit that im kind of afraid of pressure vessels but i will look into your hydrogenation method.

I have only little experience with AlAmalgam and was never aware that the order of addition mattered. Many thanks for clearing that up!

Osmosis Vanderwaal

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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I looked up anions and cations and what I read said the cation of NaHSo2 was HSo2, hydrogen sulfide. I'm not sure how you could pry the hydrogen away but if it could be done I think it would take incredible energy (heat). Another way to get HCl gas is to boil hydrochloric acid. Once most of the water is gone it'll gas. A thrift store pressure cooker with a hose where the weight goes seems like a plan