Four attempts of IPA crystallization. Fulll report with quantities, volumes and timing
IPA purity is >99.5.
Relatively small amount of MDMA HCl made from the freebase left for the overnight in the beaker. So the color was obviously slighty brownish or yellowish, whatever, but far away from the desirable color, apart of the fact the tests shown purity around 95. Weight of sample - 22 gr, calculated volume of sample - 22 / 1.1 = 20 ml.
Stirring hotplate used.
All the coolings are done with the beaker hermetically closed to avoid moisture from the air catching.
1. First I prepared 60 ml of boiling IPA 82.6C on the stirring hotplate, then put the salt, that dissolved immediately. Considering such fast dissolvation, I decided, the volume of IPA was too huge and evaporated some.
The beaker was left on the hotplate to cool down to RT, that took 80 minutes approx., then moved it to the freezer.
The result came after one hour as a dense porridge without any trace of dirty IPA.
Total volume of RM after warming up to RT was 62-63 ml, that means the remains of IPA was 42-43 ml.
Result: FAULT!
2. RM was warmed up to RT, then certain IPA was added with some stirring to increase the volume of RM up to 87 ml under RT.
RM was heated up to 75 C till total dissolving. Then colled down to RT at the hot plate (same as before), that took 80 minutes, then moved to the freezer.
The result was checked after 5-6 hours: dense porridge again.
Result: FAULT!
3. RM was warmed up to RT with some stirring, then heated up to 75 C till total dissolving. Then colled down to RT at the hot plate (same as before), that took 80 minutes, then moved to the fridge.
The result was checked after 1 hours: dense porridge again.
Result: FAULT!
4. RM was warmed up to RT with some stirring, then heated up to 75 C till total dissolving. Then colled down to RT at the hot plate (same as before), that took 80 minutes, and left at RT for a while. As 120 minutes gone after heating was finished: some crystalls appeared at the bottom. Total volume of RM at this point was 81 ml - that means around 6 ml was evaporated while heating up.
Then I left RM at RT for 240 minutes more. As 240 minutes gone, the crystalls became pretty visible and transparent.
So, the beaker was moved to the fringe for 2 hours without any noticable changes.
With the next step the beaker was moved to the freezer to finish the process.
Result: SUCESS!
Hope, this full description will help some newbies with volume and timing estimation and let them avoid my mistakes.
Total yeld is 18.5 gr.
3.5 gr are somewhere in the dirty IPA or evaporated(((