
  1. R

    Some questions about amphetamines and methamphetamines

    I have a few questions that need to be answered, and in return I will publish for free some important data on amphetamines and their precursors that this website lacks after the next test is completed. 1.Can D-amphetamine hydrochloride crystals be sold and smoked as Ice? (Ice refers to...
  2. U

    Methamphetamine/amphetamine metabolites and prodrugs, potential conversions

    Hello I would like to discuss potential methods of conversion of Methamphetamine/Amphetamine prodrugs such as: amphetaminil, benzphetamine, clobenzorex, deprenyl, dimethylamphetamine, ethylamphetamine, famprofazone, fencamine, fenethylline, fenproporex, furfenorex, mefenorex, mesocarb, and...
  3. CountTrapula

    Looking for bulk meth supplier

    I'd like it to be US-US but I'm open to importing. I've been buying 4lbs for $6k and am hoping for something in that range. I'm willing to flex on that if everything else is makes it worth it. I'm looking for someone who is reliable, has good product, communication, and can put a pack out in...
  4. SonOfJessieBerg

    how to extract psuedoephedrine pills that contain levocetrizine

    The current pill which i have with composition is Levocetrizine Hydrochloride (as immediate release form) 5mg with Psuedoephedrine hcl IP 120 mg ( as sustained release form) Colour - ferric oxide red usp-nf Physical appearance - 80% of the tablet is white in color and the other side is light...
  5. Methamphetamine Synthesis From P2P Via Al/Hg

    Methamphetamine Synthesis From P2P Via Al/Hg 1) Production of Aluminum Amalgam 2) Reductive Amination and Extraction 3) Methamphetamine Free Base Isolation and Hydrochloride Salt Crystallization
  6. GhostChemist

    Methamphetamine Synthesis. Leuckart Method From P2P.

    The reactions proceed according to Scheme 1 Reagents and materials: 1-Phenyl-2-propanone (P2P) 5.4 ml; N-methylformamide 13.4 ml; Sodium sulphate (Na2SO4); Hydrochloric acid (14% aq HCl) 32.1 ml or 20 ml 44% sulfuric acid H2SO4; DCM 100-150 ml; Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 9,6 g in 24 ml H2O...
  7. Phenylacetone (P2P) Synthesis Via BMK Ethyl Glycidate

    Phenylacetone (P2P) Synthesis Via BMK Ethyl Glycidate

    1) BMK ethyl glycidate synthesis from benzaldehyde. 2) BMK glycidic acid (sodium salt) synthesis BMK ethyl glycidate. 3) Phenylacetone (P2P) synthesis from BMK glycidic acid (sodium salt).
  8. J

    Meth synthesis from BMK

    I recently acquired PMK glycidate which I am currently using to synthesise MDMA. I gained interest in making Meth too. Since I can easily get my hands on BMK/PMK powder can someone please explain the difference of getting from PMK to MDMA and going from BMK to Meth Thank you!
  9. C


    Question Looking for a vendor 
    Searching for vendor for good and cheap ephedrine pills in EU. Im located in Bulgaria but here I can't find anything good. Please help!!!
  10. d-Methamphetamine Hydrochloride Synthesis Via Tartaric Acid

    d-Methamphetamine Hydrochloride Synthesis Via Tartaric Acid Methamphetamine Isomers Separation by Tartaric Acid
  11. C

    What is the wholesale price per kg of amphetamine and methamphetamine in the European market?

    I would like to know the answer to that question, thank you all!
  12. 0

    Cooking meth for the very first time.

    Can someone explain the basic things about meth cooking and how can i start it? i have the pseudo but dunno any other things I want to make around 3.5 ounces
  13. M

    Potential with phenylephrine to methamphetamine?

    Could this be used in place of ephedrine since the latter is no longer OTC (and if it is, obtaining requires a license, unless you make it). Phenylephrine is a nasal decongestant with the chemical formula C9H13NO2. It's formula looks like this: Is there any potential for this, or is it too...
  14. Methamphetamine hydrochloride synthesis via Al/Hg

    Methamphetamine hydrochloride synthesis via Al/Hg

    Methamphetamine hydrochloride synthesis via Al/Hg reductive amination with salt formation. Author: TDC @DRTDC90
  15. Methamphetamine hydrochloride synthesis via Leuckart amination

    Methamphetamine hydrochloride synthesis via Leuckart amination

    Methamphetamine hydrochloride total synthesis video from P2P and N-methylformamide via Leuckart amination. Author: TDC @DRTDC90
  16. lsdkingpin

    dissolving and recrystalizing methamphetamine that was previously crystal but crushed

    I have a very good supplier of ephedrine made d-methamphetamine however in order to ship it safely past customs he crushes it into breadcrumbs basically. I'd like to know if I can turn this breadcrumby stuff into big beautiful shards of methamphetamine also in addition i've seen this hong...
  17. lsdkingpin

    I have crushed crystal methamphetamine I would like to recrysalize into big rocks again

    Basically the title is the question. Do I need a special solvent etc. more info: the stuff i have has been crushed into like crumbs from bigger crystals that's just how I received it stealthily but I would now like to turn it back into rocks. I've read the crystallization of methamphetamine...
  18. Brinksyy

    Stop by Flea Market !

    Flea Market Flea Market's Official Onion http://llpc53iiugcobsdwjposo4fgdybell3vsemoigep7mo3nxm2vs5yywqd.onion/ >>>For vendors looking to get their name up contact us. The first 10 vendors if not already established will receive a Free Vendors account<<< Payment Options BTC XMR coming...
  19. Dragovich

    Methamphetamine From Amphetamine Sytnthesis Report (With Success and Final Photos)

    Hello everyone again after a long time. Today I will briefly describe my success in synthesis and what steps I followed. I'm sorry I won't keep long. I don't know what the chemicals you have and the materials you have, but since I live in Turkey, the poorest country in Europe, I pushed the...
  20. coke199

    Question about meth production method in Mexico!

    Guys, I watched this documentary: /threads/the-crystal-meth-road-video.198/ But I have a question In this video, they talked about some chemicals sent from China such as (CAS 288573-56-8) to make crystal meth in Mexico. So, What is this chemicals? and Is it still available to get from china and...